
From clinical chemistry to digital pathology: Read more about how modern medical laboratories and procedures in pathology play a vital role in the detection and prevention of diseases and in medical research.


News • Achieving and maintaining high service quality

QA in histopathology laboratories from pre- to post-analytic phase

Testing from histopathology laboratories is considered the gold standard for many diseases. To avoid errors that can significantly impact patient outcomes, an expert details on quality assurance (QA).


News • Quicker, cheaper and less painful test

Blood crystals to reveal early signs of prostate cancer

A new method of analysing the crystals in dehydrated blood could lead to a quicker, cheaper and less painful technique to diagnose, early detect, and monitor prostate cancer.


News • Color adjustment technique

More consistent histopathology slides for machine learning use

In a recent study, researchers proposed a novel technique to help make stained histopathological image datasets more useful for many emerging machine-learning-based classification systems.


Article • Challenges and opportunities

Molecular pathology in Europe: in search of standardization

Tackling standardization of molecular pathology at a European level remains a major challenge, according to speakers at the 35th European Congress of Pathology in Dublin. One leading expert warned it would be ‘very difficult’ to achieve, though the session also heard about potential solutions such as educational steps to consistently train future pathologists at a high and consistent level.


News • High-resolution cell scans

AI spots cancer and viral infections at nanoscale precision

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence which can differentiate cancer cells from normal cells, as well as detect the very early stages of viral infection inside cells.


News • Automated tissue analysis

Digital pathology: AI platform to improve lung cancer diagnosis

Cologne researchers have developed an AI-based digital pathology platform to enable extremely fast and accurate fully automated analysis of tissue sections from lung cancer patients.


News • Neurometabolism

Huntington: New insights into disease progression

Researchers discovered a gene that might be a key factor in the progression of Huntington’s disease in organoids. The gene may contribute to brain abnormalities much earlier than previously thought.

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