

Alzheimer's disease is probably the best-known form of neurodegenerative disease, which is usually characterised by a progressive loss of cognitive, emotional and social abilities. But what actually happens in the brain? Read more about current research and therapeutic approaches to this form of dementia.


News • Towards personalised risk assessment

Training an AI to early detect dementia with big data

With enough medical training data, AI can predict health conditions with astounding accuracy. Now, researchers want to use brain scans of the entire Scottish population to have an algorithm early…


News • Promising diagnostic tool

Alzheimer's: New test to detect side effect risk from drugs

A novel test aims to predict whether Alzheimer’s patients are genetically predisposed to side effects from anti-amyloid drugs, a promising new class of Alzheimer’s therapeutics.


News • Improving Alzheimer’s disease imaging

Diagnostic sensors overcome blood-brain barrier

Researchers were able to package fluorescent sensors for passage across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in mice. This holds promise to advance Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and treatment.


News • Focus on Toxoplasma gondii

Could brain parasites help treat cognitive disorders?

Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite with the ability to infect the brain, causing life-threatening diseases. Researchers now want to harness its properties to advance treatment of cognitive disorders.


News • Public survey on medical conditions

Cancer seen as #1 health concern, AI as solution

Cancer, dementia, heart attack: these are the medical conditions people are most worried about, according to a new UK survey. It also reveals hopes for AI in the future of cancer research and care.


News • What patients can expect

Alzheimer's: New method to predict cognitive decline

Researchers have developed a model to predict cognitive decline in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. The next step is an app that uses this model.

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