

Keep up-to-date with the latest research news, political developments, and background information on COVID-19.


News • Infectious disease diagnostics

POCT for remote areas: Portable pathology passes the test

When point-of-care testing (POCT) models for diagnosing infectious disease are effective, the quality of pathology results can be equivalent to laboratory tests, new research shows.


News • Profession pressures

Covid-19 pandemic triggered surge in medical staff intention to leave

Burnout, fear of infection, lack of support: One in three doctors and nurses considered leaving their job, or the healthcare profession altogether, during the Covid-19 pandemic, a new study shows.


News • Vaccines for future pathogens

“We don’t have to wait for new coronaviruses to emerge”

A new approach to vaccine development could produce vaccines before the disease-causing pathogen – such as a new variant of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 – even emerges.


News • Immunological improvement

How long is long Covid? New research hints at timeframe

New research provides cause for optimism that long Covid can resolve over time. Following people from the first wave of Covid-19, it monitored the longevity of immune abnormalities after an infection.


News • Mechanistic subtypes

The telltale traces long Covid leaves in the blood

Findings from the largest UK study of patients hospitalised with Sars-CoV-2 infection show that long Covid leads to ongoing inflammation which can be detected in the blood.


News • Post-viral condition

'Don't call it long-Covid'? It's not that simple

A recent suggestion to stop using the term ‘long-Covid’ may have been well-intentioned, but could ultimately do more harm than good, experts point out.


Article • Knowledge gaps in gender medicine

Covid-19 and sex: higher mortality of male patients

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected scientific research in numerous ways – for example by highlighting knowledge gaps in gender medicine. In many studies differences in morbidity and mortality between women and men surfaced incidentally. While the extent and causes of these differences remain largely unexplored, the preliminary insights confirm the need for further research.


News • Based on image-based flow cytometry

Rapid test to predict severe Covid-19 infections

Researchers have developed a method for assessing the number and structure of aggregated blood platelets (or thrombocytes) that can potentially help quantify the risk of a severe Covid-19 infection. As a result, they have identified a predictive biomarker for the seriousness of a Covid-19 infection. This will allow physicians to adjust treatment at an early stage. The researchers used a method…

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