

News • Machine learning forecast of MS

Multiple sclerosis: predicting progression with AI

Can an AI predict the progression of multiple sclerosis in a patient over the subsequent months and years? Researchers in Belgium used machine learning to do just that – with promising results.


News • Integration into medical decision-making

AI adept at answering medical questions – but fails to explain how

AI models perform increasingly well in answering medical questions. However, when it comes to explaining these answers, shortcomings become apparent, a new study shows.


News • Electronic prompt in the EHR

‘Nudging’ surgeons away from breast cancer overtreatment

Sentinel lymph node biopsies can help detect breast cancer – but not every patient benefits from the procedure. New research finds that a simple EHR prompt can prevent unnecessary surgery.


News • Total mesometrial resection (TMMR)

Cervical cancer: New surgical method brings benefits

A surgical technique called total mesometrial resection (TMMR) is associated with better outcomes than current treatments. A new study shows a significantly lower risk of disease recurrence and death.


News • What patients can expect

Alzheimer's: New method to predict cognitive decline

Researchers have developed a model to predict cognitive decline in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. The next step is an app that uses this model.


News • Circulating tumor extracellular vesicles

Metastatic prostate cancer: better monitoring with new liquid biopsy method

A new study shows that extracellular vesicles shed by prostate cancer cells contain tumor-derived material that can be used as biomarkers of therapy response and resistance in metastatic disease.

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