

With the help of artificial intelligence, computers are to simulate human thought processes. Machine learning is intended to support almost all medical specialties. But what is going on inside an AI algorithm, what are its decisions based on? Can you even entrust a medical diagnosis to a machine? Clarifying these questions remains a central aspect of AI research and development.


News • Concerns about hurried adoption

Survey: Is medical AI taking over too quickly?

The pace of artificial intelligence (AI) adoption in personalised medicine is unsettling for great parts of the public. A new survey reflects the worried state of mind in the UK.


News • Machine learning forecast of MS

Multiple sclerosis: predicting progression with AI

Can an AI predict the progression of multiple sclerosis in a patient over the subsequent months and years? Researchers in Belgium used machine learning to do just that – with promising results.


News • Integration into medical decision-making

AI adept at answering medical questions – but fails to explain how

AI models perform increasingly well in answering medical questions. However, when it comes to explaining these answers, shortcomings become apparent, a new study shows.


News • Public survey on medical conditions

Cancer seen as #1 health concern, AI as solution

Cancer, dementia, heart attack: these are the medical conditions people are most worried about, according to a new UK survey. It also reveals hopes for AI in the future of cancer research and care.


News • Tailored chatbot

Customized ChatGPT to advance digital pathology

New research shows that the AI large language model ChatGPT can be tailored to provide accurate responses to questions about digital pathology and compile detailed results.


News • Tumour infiltrating lymphocyte measurement

Breast cancer: AI tool predicts which DCIS cases become invasive

Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) often develop into more invasive forms of breast cancer. To predict which DCIS patients are likely to be affected, researchers have developed an analytic AI-based tool.


Article • Addressing diagnostic backlogs

Harnessing the power of AI for women's health

Although the Covid-19 pandemic is behind us, healthcare facilities continue to experience workflow challenges and resource constraints impacting women’s health and a patient’s ability to receive a timely diagnosis. Clinical specialties like breast radiology and cytology are especially susceptible to these issues and continue to experience backlogs, which impact their ability to deliver timely…


News • Message from our partner

AI-driven strategies for pharma industry at AUTOMA+ 2024

As AI is playing an increasingly crucial role in the fields of pharmacy and medicine, Pharmaceutical Automation and Digitalisation Congress (AUTOMA+ 2024) welcomes the entire industry value chain to join the roundtable discussion on the innovative strategies that are navigating the future of pharma. The Congress takes place in Zurich, Switzerland, on 18-19 November 2024.

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