

News • World first procedure

Testicular tissue transplant provides hope for restoring fertility after chemotherapy

A premiere that brings hope for fertility restoration to men who underwent chemotherapy during childhood: Researchers reintroduced cryopreserved immature testicular tissue taken 16 years prior.


Article • Liver, renal, pancreas, paediatric and multi-organ transplants

Important role for ultrasound in transplantation imaging

Ultrasound plays a pivotal role in the assessment of organ transplant patients. It enables physicians to safely and easily assess progress, identify complications and resolve problems, as well as…


News • Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion

‘Heart-in-a-box’ to improve organ transport

Not just a Nirvana song, but also an effective way to keep a donor heart fresh for transplantation: New research shows the benefits of “heart-in-a-box” storage.


News • Reaction to donor organ

Lung transplantation: new findings on life-threatening PLS complication

New research into a life-threatening, but underestimated complication in lung transplants not only provides new insights, but also approaches for early detection and timely treatment.


News • Machine learning assessment

Heart transplantation: AI can provide decision-making support

Matching the right donor heart to the right recipient at the right time is a complex task. Now, experts point out how AI can provide unbiased decision-support for transplantation process.


News • Pros and cons in surgery

Robotic assistance in lung transplantation: Has the time come?

Although robots are common to assist in surgery, robotic assistance is not routinely used for lung transplants. However, this might change soon, according to an expert speaking at the ISHLT meeting.

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