

The medical laboratory is a supporting pillar of modern healthcare. Laboratory findings with analyses of blood, urine and other body fluids provide valuable insights from infection diagnostics and innovative screening procedures to therapy monitoring. Here you will find information on sample management, pre- and postanalytics, clinical chemistry, haematology and much more.


News • HPV oncoprotein quantification

Urine test improves cervical cancer early detection

A new test shows promise in making cervical cancer screening more accessible and less invasive by detecting oncoproteins of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in urine samples.


News • Circulating tumor extracellular vesicles

Metastatic prostate cancer: better monitoring with new liquid biopsy method

A new study shows that extracellular vesicles shed by prostate cancer cells contain tumor-derived material that can be used as biomarkers of therapy response and resistance in metastatic disease.


News • Combined ESR and CBC/DIFF

Horiba launches new compact hematology analyzers

Analytical and measurement technology specialist Horiba has expanded its compact hematology instrument range with the launch of new models with Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) on board.


News • Millifluidic nanogenerator

Blood-powered lab-on-a-chip to enhance disease monitoring

Researchers are proposing a new device that uses blood to generate electricity and measure its conductivity, opening doors to medical care in any location.


News • Infectious disease diagnostics

POCT for remote areas: Portable pathology passes the test

When point-of-care testing (POCT) models for diagnosing infectious disease are effective, the quality of pathology results can be equivalent to laboratory tests, new research shows.


Sponsored • Laser cassette printer

Leaping forward with laboratory workflow automation

Embark on a journey of unparalleled efficiency and precision with Sakura Finetek Europe's newest innovation in identification technology: the Tissue-Tek xPrint® LP Laser Cassette Printer.


Article • QC at AACC 2023

New risk-based quality control assessment for clinical labs

Juggling the cost of quality control (QC) resources versus the risk of testing error is a balancing act no clinical laboratory manager enjoys. It is an inexact process, itself prone to error, which can impact the operations of hospital labs and independent clinical testing companies. In the current resource-constrained healthcare environment, there is pressure to improve the cost effectiveness of…

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