

News • Circulating tumor extracellular vesicles

Metastatic prostate cancer: better monitoring with new liquid biopsy method

A new study shows that extracellular vesicles shed by prostate cancer cells contain tumor-derived material that can be used as biomarkers of therapy response and resistance in metastatic disease.


News • Research on physical conditions

Exploring the link between obesity and cancer risk

Why does obesity increase the risk of cancer and possibly metastasis? Researchers in Spain are currently investigating this very question.


News • Research on biomechanics

Tumour 'softness' can drive aggressiveness of breast cancer

Researchers have discovered how the mechanical properties of tumours - their softness, for example - can prime cancer cells to better survive their spread to other organs.


News • Microbial influence on treatment

Study explores the role of bacteria in cancer

Bacteria can help – or hinder – the treatment of cancer. How this happens, however, is largely unknown. Now, researchers have mapped bacteria in cancer metastases to shed more light on their role.


News • Omitting axillary lymph node removal

Breast cancer trial explores benefits of less extensive surgery

A new trial could pave the way for more gentle surgery of breast cancer: The researchers explore the possibility of sparing the lymph nodes in the armpit - even if metastases are already present.


News • Accurate detection and removal

Radioguided surgery to treat metastatic lymph nodes in prostate cancer

Dutch researchers use PSMA targeting to improve detection of prostate cancer, improving nodal staging and guiding more accurate surgery for this important patient population.

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