

Neural networks are emblematic of complex systems, so it's no surprise that the field of neurology is eclectic and intricate, too. Main challenges for neurologists are therapies of and research on stroke, seizures, movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.


News • Parallel transmit

New MRI technique enables surgery in treatment-resistant epilepsy

Using ‘parallel transmit’ technique, researchers have found a new way to detect lesions in the brain of patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy in an MRI scan, without imaging signal dropouts.


News • High-channel prostheses

One step closer to visual implants

Electrodes implanted directly onto the brain’s visual cortex could eventually restore a rudimentary form of vision to people suffering from blindness worldwide, new research suggests.


News • Divergent sex-specific mechanisms

Why pain medication may be less effective for women

Chronic pain is more common among women, but why is that? New research explores sex-specific differences in pain signal communication in the nervous system to help answer this question.


News • Neuroprosthesis research

Restoring movement to paralysis patients with robotics and spinal stimulation

A new system that seamlessly integrates an implanted spinal cord neuroprosthesis with rehabilitation robotics delivers well-timed electrical pulses to enhance mobility and foster long-term recovery.


News • Research on soft wearable actuators

Artificial muscles for tremor suppression

To suppress tremors, such as those from Parkinson's disease, scientists equipped a biorobotic arm with artificial muscles, which compensate for the back-and-forth movement of the tremor.


Article • Promising, but in need of further validation

Implementation challenges of blood biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease

Blood-based biomarker (BBB) tests may represent the best weapon to combat the soaring rates of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) throughout the world. Existing clinically validated tests are currently…


Article • Spanish registry offers unprecedented data

ROSSETTI: Towards a more personalized treatment of stroke

The boom in interventional radiology procedures has enabled great strides in ischemic stroke management. But while a myriad of techniques are available, the challenge remains in choosing the most appropriate thrombectomy treatment on the spot, according to Jordi Blasco Andaluz, a neuroradiologist at Hospital Clinic Barcelona. The new ROSSETTI registry is designed to change this.

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