

Neural networks are emblematic of complex systems, so it's no surprise that the field of neurology is eclectic and intricate, too. Main challenges for neurologists are therapies of and research on stroke, seizures, movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.


News • Patterned microstimulation

Artificial touch for brain-controlled bionic hand

Promising technology for patients with spinal cord injuries: A new study paves the way for complex touch sensation through brain stimulation, using an extracorporeal bionic limb.


News • Neural implant degradation

Building more durable implantable brain chips

New insights on the degradation of implantable chips in the body could lead to enhanced longevity of the chips and better treatments for patients with Parkinson's or clinical depression.


News • Potential for neurodegeneration

Head injuries may activate dormant viruses, trigger neurodegeneration, study finds

More than just a sports injury: A new study shows that head trauma may activate latent viruses, leading to neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.


News • Expanding brain imaging

Portable, low-field MRI shows promise for Alzheimer's diagnostics

A new study shows that a simplified, low-field MRI machine, augmented with machine learning tools, matches conventional MRI in measuring brain characteristics relevant to Alzheimer's disease.


News • Intracardiac nervous system

The heart has its own ‘brain’

Scientists have now discovered that the heart has its own complex nervous system – a 'mini brain', if you will – that is crucial to controlling its rhythm.


News • Functional connectivity imaging

fMRI brain scan predicts effectiveness of spinal cord surgery

Spinal cord stimulation is performed for patients with chronic pain. However, for some patients, the procedure is not effective. A new method involving fMRI could help predict success.

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