

Neural networks are emblematic of complex systems, so it's no surprise that the field of neurology is eclectic and intricate, too. Main challenges for neurologists are therapies of and research on stroke, seizures, movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.


News • Taxane-induced peripheral neuropathy

New tool predicts nerve damage after breast cancer chemotherapy

Researchers have developed a tool that can predict the risk level for side effects in the nervous system of women treated for breast cancer using taxanes. This could help adapt treatment.


News • What patients can expect

Alzheimer's: New method to predict cognitive decline

Researchers have developed a model to predict cognitive decline in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. The next step is an app that uses this model.


News • Vascular and Neurosurgery

New procedure to prevent phantom pain after limb amputation

6 out of 10 people develop pain after a limb amputation. Researchers now investigate whether a preventive, relatively simple nerve surgery can prevent patients from experiencing this pain.


News • Safer, swifter, smaller scar

New brain surgery approach targets difficult tumors at skull base

Neurosurgeons have developed a minimally invasive surgical technique to remove lesions in the petrous apex. The method provides a new approach to these notoriously diffcult-to-remove tumors.


News • Biomarkers enhance early detection

Parkinson's: blood test predicts disease up to seven years before symptoms

A novel blood test shows promise to predict Parkinson's disease in risk patients up to seven years before the typical motor symptoms appear.


News • Opening new doors for brain study

A new approach to neuroimaging analysis

A new technique uses brain MRI data to find associations to various behaviors, and then applying predictions from those associations to an independent unseen sample.

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