

News • Study on antiviral therapy efficacy

Covid-19 treatment of immunocompromised patients: better late than never

Immunocompromised patients are at greatest risk of developing severe Covid-19 after an infection. While early antiviral treatments yield best results, even late-onset therapies still show benefits.


News • MCMV based approach

Covid-19: vector vaccine offers long-term protection

Protection from established Covid-19 vaccines wanes relatively quickly. A new vector vaccine elicits prolonged immune response in animal models, and maintains its efficacy over extended time.


News • High-resolution cell scans

AI spots cancer and viral infections at nanoscale precision

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence which can differentiate cancer cells from normal cells, as well as detect the very early stages of viral infection inside cells.


News • Antibiotic resistance control

Better tracking of AMR hospital bacteria

Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant (AMR) bacteria are a major issue in hospitals. A new technique aims to effectively track all types of relevant microorganisms simultaneously.


News • Sustainability of a de-implementation strategy

Reducing inappropriate IV and catheter use, to reduce infections

Infections caused by both IVs and catheters occur in 10% of patients. However, up to a quarter are not necessary. New research shows how to reduce this use and, thus, infections.


News • Focus on Toxoplasma gondii

Could brain parasites help treat cognitive disorders?

Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite with the ability to infect the brain, causing life-threatening diseases. Researchers now want to harness its properties to advance treatment of cognitive disorders.

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