
When scientific curiosity paves the way for improved healthcare: Read more about promising studies and trials that lead to more effective drugs, procedures as well as medical guidelines.


News • Improved infection protection

S. aureus: One step closer to a vaccine

Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of hospital-acquired bacterial infection, associated with over one million deaths worldwide each year. Now, researchers could be one step closer to a vaccine.


News • What patients can expect

Alzheimer's: New method to predict cognitive decline

Researchers have developed a model to predict cognitive decline in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. The next step is an app that uses this model.


News • Focus on microproteins

Researchers find potential target for liver cancer vaccine

Microproteins hold great promise, according to new research: Since they are only expressed by liver tumor cells, the proteins could serve as a potential target for cancer vaccine development.


Article • UK research project

"Our Future Health": Shifting from curative to preventive care

As a result from better living standards and medical advances, population longevity increases – a development which, paradoxically, current healthcare systems are ill-prepared for, Sir John Bell points out. The UK’s Our Future Health programme, which he chairs, exemplifies the paradigm shift to a prevention-centered healthcare approach.


News • Nanorobots travelling through synovial fluid

Fighting arthritis with “OrthoBots”

Enzyme-driven nanorobots could be used in the treatment of joint diseases such as arthritis. A new research project explores the potential of this technology.


News • Anxiety and depression

After cardiac arrest: women at greater risk for mental health issues

Anxiety and depression hit women harder than men after they have survived cardiac arrest. New research further suggests that age also plays a major role, pointing out the need for more support.


News • Adaptive mutability

How bowel cancer flips the switch to avoid immune detection

Why does the immune system sometimes fail to control the development of bowel cancer? UK and Dutch researchers discovered how cancer cells use a genetic "switch" to evade detection.

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