
News • Patient-derived samples

New ‘explant’ technique predicts breast cancer therapy response

A new study measured how well breast cancer patients’ tumour ‘explants’ respond to chemotherapy or HER2 antibody therapy in the laboratory. This could help improve clinical outcomes.


News • Promising prototype

A “diagnostic wand” to detect oral cancer

Liverpool physicists have developed a “diagnostic infrared wand” to more accurately predict the prognosis of oral cancer lesions than current H&E staining techniques.


News • Osteosarcoma research

Driver behind aggressive bone cancer identified

By analysing the largest collection of whole-genome data from osteosarcoma patients, researchers identified a driving mechanism behind the aggressive development of these bone cancer tumours.


Article • From chatbot to medical assistant

Generative AI: prompt solutions for healthcare?

Anyone who has exchanged a few lines of dialogue with a large language model (LLM), will probably agree that generative AI is an impressive new breed of technology. Beyond their use as chatbots, LLMs show great potential in addressing some of the most urgent challenges in healthcare. At the Medica tradefair in Düsseldorf, several expert sessions were dedicated to the topic of generative AI, its potential medical applications and current caveats.



Article • Collection

Focus on environmental medicine

Harmful substances in the soil, water and air also endanger people's health. In recent years, environmental medicine has been increasingly concerned with the consequences of climate change.


Article • Diagnostic imaging

Contrast agents: useful, but controversial

Many procedures in diagnostic imaging would be impossible without contrast agents: they open up insights into vascular structures, show stenoses, inflammations, aneurysms and more. However, reports…


Article • Information channel

Neurology: Let's get nervous

Neural networks are emblematic of complex systems, so it's no surprise that the field of neurology is eclectic and intricate, too. Main challenges for neurologists are therapies of and research on…

Diagnostic imaging

Radiology, sonography and beyond: Keep reading to find out how imaging techniques like MRI, CT and ultrasound can be used in the diagnosis of diseases and the guidance of medical procedures.


News • Results from the PRAIM study

Mammography screening enhanced by AI

Improved breast cancer detection, reduced workload for radiologists: The world’s largest prospective study on AI in Germany’s Mammography Screening Program reveals the technology's benefits.


News • Ultrasound-based lesion detection

Ovarian cancer diagnosis improved by AI

Ovarian cancer is common and often only detected by chance. A newly developed AI-based model could help differentiate between benign and malignant ovarian lesions.


News • MRI, CT, DR systems

Four installations to bolster Romania's diagnostic landscape

United Imaging announces four installations of their diagnostic imaging systems at three healthcare facilities in Romania. Working closely with distributor Tehnoplus Medical, the company hopes to…

Products from Radbook


From clinical chemistry to digital pathology: Read more about how modern medical laboratories and procedures in pathology play a vital role in the detection and prevention of diseases and in medical research.


News • Early-stage disease stratification

Predicting lung cancer outcomes with tumour DNA in the blood

A new personalised oncology platform has been tested to detect circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) in patients with lung adenocarcinoma before surgery, to predict their risk of cancer relapse.


News • Surprising insights

Herpes infection might drive Alzheimer's, study suggests

Researchers uncovered a surprising link between Alzheimer’s disease and herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), suggesting that viral infections may play a role in the disease.


Article • Keynote on integrated diagnostics

Predicting – and shaping – the future of modern pathology

Complex diseases could require complex biomarkers for accurate diagnosis in the years ahead, according to a leading pathologist. In a keynote address to the 36th European Congress of Pathology in…

Products from Labbook


Medical innovations are rapidly expanding therapy options for many diseases. Keep reading to find more information on new therapies, surgical techniques, effective medication and patient care.


News • World first procedure

Testicular tissue transplant provides hope for restoring fertility after chemotherapy

A premiere that brings hope for fertility restoration to men who underwent chemotherapy during childhood: Researchers reintroduced cryopreserved immature testicular tissue taken 16 years prior.


News • Pandemic-induced treatment delays

“Heartbreaking”: the impact of Covid on children with brain tumours

Paediatric brain tumours are difficult to diagnose and treat – especially, when delays occur. A new study explored the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children with brain tumours.


News • Eco-friendly equipment

Plant-based caps bring more sustainability to the operating theatre

Around 800,000 single-use theatre caps are consumed every year in Scottish hospitals. A new type of caps made from cellulosic fibre offer a sustainable alternative to traditional disposable options.


Time to bring out the white collars: Read more about the economy and politics of health as well as optimised hospital and patient management.


News • Digital health competence education

SUSA: developing sustainable healthcare across Europe

"This is a pivotal moment for European healthcare education," says project leader Minna Isomursu about the start of SUSA, a collaboration to advance sustainable practices in healthcare.


News • Study on productivity and quality

Robots in nursing homes help improve staff retention, patient care

A new study on the future of work in nursing homes finds that robot use is associated with increased employment and staff retention, improved productivity and a higher quality of care.


News • Industry collaboration

Developing “acoustic beads” for advanced rare and complex cell sorting in flow processes

Acoustofluidics company Aenitis Technologies has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with pharmaceutical company Bracco Imaging to develop next-generation acoustic microspheres.


From AI-based image analysis to virtual therapies: Find out how digitalisation and cutting-edge IT solutions advance the medical landscape.


News • Neural implant degradation

Building more durable implantable brain chips

New insights on the degradation of implantable chips in the body could lead to enhanced longevity of the chips and better treatments for patients with Parkinson's or clinical depression.


News • Checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy efficacy

AI tool uses routine blood tests to predict cancer immunotherapy response

Researchers have developed an AI-based model to better predict whether cancer patients will benefit from immunotherapy — using only routine blood tests and clinical data.


News • Misleading medical analyses

AI “predicts” beer drinking based on knee X-rays – why this is not only wrong, but dangerous

Can an AI determine whether or not a person drinks beer by looking at their knee X-rays? It can't – but the claim shows why “shortcut learning” is such a dangerous mechanism in medical AI.


When scientific curiosity paves the way for improved healthcare: Read more about promising studies and trials that lead to more effective drugs, procedures as well as medical guidelines.


News • Long-wavelength exposure

Red light linked to lowered blood clot risk

Light can change biological processes and affect health. For example, new research finds that red light can lower rates of blood clots that can cause heart attacks, lung damage and strokes.


News • Surprising insights

Research explains how tumor cells die after radiotherapy

Why does radiation therapy kill cancer cells from the same tumour in different ways? This has long remained poorly understood. Now, new findings open up opportunities to improve treatment.


News • Research on MRD in tongue cancer

Understanding chemotherapy resistance in oral cancers using organoids

Tongue cancer cells can become resistant to chemotherapy under certain circumstances. Investigating these mechanisms, researchers shed light on promising avenues toward new treatments for this cancer. (HiE) - Your guide to world of medical technology in Europe

HiE is a platform for the latest trends in medical technology, innovative procedures and advances in medical research. We cover a broad range of topics from diagnostic imaging, therapy, eHealth, automation, lab and digital pathology to market trends and healthcare insights. We are your guide to the world of medical technology in hospitals and clinics in Europe.
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