

News • HBV point-of-care identification

Hepatitis B: rapid diagnostic test to halt mother-to-child transmission

A new rapid diagnostic test can identify pregnant women at elevated risk of transmitting hepatitis B to their babies. This could help prevent mother-to-child transmission during childbirth.


News • Study shows GP imaging benefits

More chest x-rays linked to earlier lung cancer diagnosis, improved survival

Patients attending GP practices with the highest chest x-ray usage are more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer at an earlier, more treatable stage, a new study finds.


News • Review of colonoscopy CADe systems

AI for colon cancer detection: "Right now, this is version 1.0. We need version 4.0”

A rigorous review of evidence showed that AI-assisted technology helps identify colorectal polyps. However, its impact on preventing colon cancer remains unclear.


News • AI-assisted microstructure assessment

Super-resolution imaging helps predict bone fracture risk

A new AI tool creates super-resolution images showing the inner structures of bones in great detail. This can be used to better determine risk for fracture in elderly patients with osteoporosis.


News • Recent detections cause concern

Polio return to Europe: call for urgent action

Europe has been polio-free since 2002 – but a recent surge in poliovirus detections across several European countries shows that the threat from this vastly-forgotten disease is over, warn experts.


News • Exploring the role of P2X7

Preventing epilepsy after traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury can lead to post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE). Researchers focus on a specific brain receptor to better understand and prevent PTE in at-risk patients.

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