

News • HPV oncoprotein quantification

Urine test improves cervical cancer early detection

A new test shows promise in making cervical cancer screening more accessible and less invasive by detecting oncoproteins of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in urine samples.


News • Public health research

Climate change brings new diseases to Europe – using AI to prepare

Due to climate change, diseases such as West Nile fever reach European countries. With the help of AI and math, institutions can prepare for new infections in the changing climate, new research shows.


News • HAGIS project

German-Scottish teamwork against infectious diseases intensifies

Delegates from Hannover Medical School and the University of Glasgow have now signed a letter of intent to intensify their collaboration in the field of infection research.


News • Vaccines for future pathogens

“We don’t have to wait for new coronaviruses to emerge”

A new approach to vaccine development could produce vaccines before the disease-causing pathogen – such as a new variant of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 – even emerges.


News • Survey on pathogens of concern

What will cause the next pandemic? Experts agree on a likely culprit

The world has hardly processed Covid-19, so the thought of another pandemic is far from pleasant. Yet, infectious disease experts have picked the most likely candidate in a new survey.


News • Post-viral syndrome

Is it time to stop calling it 'long Covid'? [UPDATE]

Patients who are suffering from aftereffects of a coronavirus infection often receive the diagnosis 'long Covid'. However, new research presented at ECCMID 2024 calls that term into question.

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