

News • Hyper-elevated RNAPII detection

New biomarker predicts aggressiveness of brain, breast cancer

Using a new technology and computational method, researchers have uncovered a biomarker capable of accurately predicting the aggressiveness of meningioma brain tumors and breast cancers.


News • Age-related cellular and molecular changes

How aging breast tissue shapes breast cancer risk

Researchers have created a landmark atlas of how healthy breast tissue ages, revealing key cellular, molecular, and genetic changes that may tip the balance toward breast cancer development.


News • Potentiator of AMR emergence and expansion

Diabetes as a driver of antibiotic resistance

Microbiologists have just shown that people with diabetes are more likely to develop antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, a leading cause of AMR-associated infections and deaths.


News • Alteration of immune response

Multiple myeloma: dangerous diversity

When multiple myeloma cancer cells break out and multiply outside the bone marrow, a wide variety of tumor cells arise, accompanied by a significantly altered immune response, new research shows.


News • Potential for new cardiac treatments

Born to heal: Why babies recover after heart damage, but adults do not

Newborns with heart complications can rely on their immune systems to regenerate, but adults aren’t so lucky. A new study explores this mechanism, paving the way for treatments after a heart attack.


News • Millimeter-wave sensor technology

Non-contact breathing monitoring for X-ray and CT imaging

To improve breathing monitoring during radiotherapy, researchers have developed a millimeter-wave sensor capable of non-invasively visualizing respiratory movement during X-ray and CT examinations.


News • Pyroptosis propagation

Sepsis, or death by lethal message

Dying cells prick their neighbors with a lethal message. This may worsen sepsis, Vijay Rathinam and colleagues report. Their findings could lead to a new understanding of this dangerous illness.

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