

News • Alteration of immune response

Multiple myeloma: dangerous diversity

When multiple myeloma cancer cells break out and multiply outside the bone marrow, a wide variety of tumor cells arise, accompanied by a significantly altered immune response, new research shows.


News • Researcher reveals vulnerability

New approach to crack persister tumour cells

Persister cells arise as a result of cancer treatment and are often responsible for tumour relapse. Researchers identified a distinctive feature of persister cells, paving the way for new treatments.


News • Pyroptosis propagation

Sepsis, or death by lethal message

Dying cells prick their neighbors with a lethal message. This may worsen sepsis, Vijay Rathinam and colleagues report. Their findings could lead to a new understanding of this dangerous illness.


News • Molecular mechanism discovered

Researchers find a way to stop harmful cells after cancer treatment

Senescent cells, which may appear after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, can jeopardize patients' recovery. A study describes a new mechanism to eliminate these cells in cancer patients.


News • Industry collaboration

Developing “acoustic beads” for advanced rare and complex cell sorting in flow processes

Acoustofluidics company Aenitis Technologies has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with pharmaceutical company Bracco Imaging to develop next-generation acoustic microspheres.


News • Immunology

Researchers discover new type of anticancer T-cell

A molecule called MR1 (MHC Class I-related Molecule 1) enables a newly-discovered type of T-cells to sense differences in the metabolism that occur when cells become cancerous.

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