

News • Impact on mammography performance

Breast cancer screening: better detection, fewer false positives with AI

Using artificial intelligence (AI), breast radiologists in Denmark have improved breast cancer screening performance and reduced the rate of false-positive findings.


News • Stratification approach

Using national health data to predict cancer risk

Scientists show that health registry data can be used to predict individual risks for the 20 most common cancer types. This could help to identify high-risk groups and enrol them for screenings.


News • UK study confirms

Lung cancer screenings: benefits across all socioeconomic groups

Lung cancer screenings save lives – especially for those who live in economically deprived areas, a new study confirms. The researchers further demonstrate the benefits of using low-dose CT imaging.


News • Impact of patient characteristics

Breast cancer AI: unequal performance across ethnicities and age groups

Current AI systems for detecting breast cancer from mammography exams are more likely to produce false-positive results in black women and older patients, a new study finds.


News • Biparametric scan

Prostate cancer screening: two-part MRI is enough, study shows

A three-part ‘multiparametric’ MRI of the prostate is standard of care in the UK for patients suspected of having prostate cancer. Now, a study shows two-part scans are sufficient for diagnosis.


News • Preventive blood test

Prostate cancer screening: Study advocates 5-year-interval

How often should men get checked for their level of PSA, a marker for prostate cancer? A German study involving over 12,500 men shows that a five-year interval between tests is safe.


Article • Additional findings from the MIPA study

Benefits of preoperative breast MRI

Ordering preoperative breast MRI exams of diagnosed breast cancer patients used to be controversial: Did they aid surgical planning better than the combination of mammography and breast ultrasound? Or did their findings cause overtreatment, specifically mastectomy, when breast-conservation surgery would have sufficed? New research has now settled the issue.


Article • Imaging controversial

MRI breast cancer screening of high-risk women: benefits outweigh drawbacks

Breast MRI is increasingly being used as a primary breast cancer screening exam for young women. It brings benefits in women with dense breasts, who are at an elevated risk of developing breast cancer. The technique is also being ordered as a supplemental screening exam following mammography or breast ultrasound for women of all ages at high risk. But use of breast MRI as a screening tool is…


Article • Digital breast tomosynthesis

Transforming breast screening: The role of AI in improving reading workflow

While having more centers adopt digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) for breast cancer screenings into their practice is a positive change, it also presents some challenges for radiologists—particularly the increased number of images for radiologists to review. This challenge has paved the way for AI to offer innovative workflow solutions for radiologists that do not sacrifice accuracy.


Article • Supplemental imaging

The next breast screening advancement: Contrast-enhanced mammography

With the recent recommendation changes from the European Council in 2022, how radiologists screen for breast cancer is changing. Mammography has long been an essential technology in screening for breast cancer, and in the recommendations the Council formally recognized the advantages of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). This landmark acknowledges the research on and benefits of DBT, advocating…

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