Urine screening


News • HPV oncoprotein quantification

Urine test improves cervical cancer early detection

A new test shows promise in making cervical cancer screening more accessible and less invasive by detecting oncoproteins of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in urine samples.


News • Urine-based diagnostics

New prostate cancer test to help avoid unnecessary biopsies

US researchers have developed and validated a new urine-based test for prostate cancer, which was shown to meaningfully reduce unnecessary prostate biopsies while providing highly accurate detection.


News • Prognostic model

New urine-based test offers hope for bladder cancer patients

In a new study, researchers from Fudan University have developed a novel urine-based prognostic model that promises to transform the management and treatment of bladder cancer.


News • Women's health

Cadmium levels in urine linked to endometriosis

Women with a history of endometriosis had higher concentrations of cadmium in their urine compared to those without that diagnosis, a new study finds, linking the toxic metal to the condition.


News • Up to 12 year in advance

Urine gene test can predict bladder cancer years before diagnosis

Testing for genetic mutations in urine can detect bladder cancer years before the disease shows clinical symptoms, new research has shown - reaching more than a decade for the most common cancer type.


Article • Overheard at AACC

The complexities of drug testing in urine and hair

Urine screening tests using only immunoassays are the most common procedures used to identify drug abuse. They are inexpensive, automated, and produce rapid results. But they may generate…


News • Prostate Urine Risk (PUR)

Urine test could reduce unnecessary prostate cancer biopsies

Unnecessary prostate cancer biopsies could be reduced by 60 per cent thanks to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). Researchers have developed new methods to identify biomarkers for prostate cancer by combining information from multiple parts of urine samples. It is hoped that the breakthrough could help large numbers of men avoid an unnecessary initial biopsy.


Sponsored • Sysmex

With the UN-Series, the choice is yours

Using urine to obtain diagnostic insights has been done for thousands of years and still remains an important tool to obtain crucial information. Covering a range of tests, urinalysis may be used to screen for or help to diagnose ailments such as urinary tract infections, kidney disorders, liver problems, diabetes or other medical conditions, just to name a few. Because urinalysis has been around…


Article • Achieving a faster workflow

A modular approach to urinalysis

The reasons why doctors request urinary analysis are varied – perhaps to detect a possible or suspected infection, or to screen for kidney diseases. In all cases a reliable and rapid result is the major aim. Urinary microscopy and culture have been the mainstays of urinary analysis for many, many years both of which require time and specialist handling.

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