

News • Transport of minuscule gold particles

Nanoparticles could detect kidney disease better than blood tests

Before administering certain drugs, doctors check a patient’s kidney function by testing their blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels. New research shows that gold nanoparticles might give more…


News • Thermal-responsive magnetic nanorobot collectives

Stopping brain bleeds from aneurysms with tiny robots

Brain aneurysms cause around 500,000 deaths globally each year and can lead to stroke and disability. Now, researchers created nanoscale robots to manage bleeds in the brain caused by aneurysms. 


News • High-resolution cell scans

AI spots cancer and viral infections at nanoscale precision

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence which can differentiate cancer cells from normal cells, as well as detect the very early stages of viral infection inside cells.


News • Nanorobots travelling through synovial fluid

Fighting arthritis with “OrthoBots”

Enzyme-driven nanorobots could be used in the treatment of joint diseases such as arthritis. A new research project explores the potential of this technology.


News • New insights on shape and toxicity

Small, but mighty – how gold nanoparticles (actually) kill cancer

Smaller kills faster – this is what was previously thought about gold nanoparticles used to fight cancer cells. However, new research reveals a more complex picture of these interactions.


News • Hydrogel catalyst

Breaking down alcohol in the body: Researchers develop "detox gel"

Researchers have developed a gel that breaks down alcohol in the GI tract without harming the body. In the future, people who take the gel could reduce the harmful and intoxicating effects of alcohol.

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