

News • High-channel prostheses

One step closer to visual implants

Electrodes implanted directly onto the brain’s visual cortex could eventually restore a rudimentary form of vision to people suffering from blindness worldwide, new research suggests.


News • For newborns with congenital heart defects

Tiny pacemakers safely stabilize baby hearts

A pacemaker designed for babies could fill an unmet need for newborns with congenital heart defects and other heart conditions, finds a new study.


Video • Zwitterion research

Polymer coating to prevent blood clotting in medical implants

Researchers at the University of Sydney are using so-called Zwitterions to create a surface coating that could stop blood clotting in medical devices and implants like catheters and stents.


News • Impact on long-term survival

Biological vs mechanical heart valve replacement: study compares outcomes

Patients aged between 50 to 70 years with a mechanical heart valve replacement had better long-term survival compared to those with a biological valve, new research has found.


News • Neural implant degradation

Building more durable implantable brain chips

New insights on the degradation of implantable chips in the body could lead to enhanced longevity of the chips and better treatments for patients with Parkinson's or clinical depression.


News • Rupture prevention

Breast implants: the importance of regular screenings

Women with breast implants should regularly attend follow-up care to avoid the risk of "silent" implant ruptures and their long-term complications, experts caution in a new publication.


Article • Experts explore the future of CSP, CRT, ICD

Implantable cardiac devices: which techniques are ready for prime time?

Opposing views on new implantable cardiac devices were aired in a Great Debate session at the European Society of Cardiology’s annual 2024 congress in London. Experts discussed emerging techniques and technologies and debated whether they are actually ready for clinical application. At the core of the session was the issue of whether conduction system pacing (CSP) should replace cardiac…


Sponsored • Hip arthroplasty

Endoprostheses for elderly and frail patients: Preparation is half the battle

An ageing population and modern lifestyle conditions have greatly increased the case numbers for hip arthroplasty. To prevent complications, it is important for orthopaedic surgeons to identify high-risk patients and take proper precautions. At the Heraeus symposium at DKOU, two experts explored the special measures that should be taken to ensure better outcomes for elderly and frail patients.

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