
Mental health

"Mens sana in corpore sano": Even the ancient Romans knew that a healthy body alone is not enough. For a long time, however, the concept of "mental health" was neglected in medicine. Keep reading to find out about the diagnosis and treatment of mental ailments such as depression, obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorders.


News • Anxiety and depression

After cardiac arrest: women at greater risk for mental health issues

Anxiety and depression hit women harder than men after they have survived cardiac arrest. New research further suggests that age also plays a major role, pointing out the need for more support.


Article • Joint action

A pan-European effort to tackle cancer and NCDs

This February, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health officially launched the ‘Joint Action on cancer and other non-communicable disease prevention project‘ (JA PreventNCD). In the…


News • Metastasis susceptibility

How chronic stress spreads cancer

Chronic stress can have a significant impact on health, from an increased risk for heart disease to a greater susceptibility of cancer metastasis. New research points out the underlying mechanisms.


News • Working environment

Women in healthcare: more stress, higher burnout rates

Gender inequality, poor work-life integration, lack of support: female medical professionals are exposed to greater levels of stress and are more prone to burnout than men, a new study finds.


News • Training course and sound therapy

Can an app train the brain to overcome tinnitus?

Tinnitus is common, affecting up to one in four people. Now a study shows that the debilitating effects on mental health can often be reduced via training and sound therapy in a smartphone app.


News • Algorithm detects emotional state

AI face detection as support for psychotherapy

A feasibility study by Swiss researchers shows that AI systems are able to reliably predict therapeutic success in patients with borderline personality pathology by detecting emotions on their face.


News • Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response

ASMR videos: Why do they work?

Soothing words, gentle sounds: ASMR videos are known to induce pleasant tingling sensations in viewers. Researchers have now published the first systematic review on why (and how) this works.

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