Heart attack


Article • Research presented at Spanish cardiology congress

New data on heart attack puts pressure on governments to promote social justice

Environmental factors such as low temperatures and carbon monoxide levels in the air have long been underestimated as risk factors for triggering a heart attack, new research suggests.


News • Study on care and outcomes in Scotland

Sex differences in treatment after heart attack revealed

After a heart attack, women in Scotland are less likely to receive preventative medicine than men, a new study shows. This could put them at greater risk of further heart attacks, strokes and CVD.


News • Cardiac disease research

Endometriosis associated with increased risk for heart attack, stroke

New research from Denmark explores a possible connection between endometriosis and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Details are presented at the ESC 2024 Congress.


News • Public survey on medical conditions

Cancer seen as #1 health concern, AI as solution

Cancer, dementia, heart attack: these are the medical conditions people are most worried about, according to a new UK survey. It also reveals hopes for AI in the future of cancer research and care.


News • Increased risk of infection

Researchers identify cause for immunodeficiency after stroke and heart attack

After a stroke or heart attack, the risk of infection is increased – however, why this happens was unknown. Now, researchers found a previously unknown cause – and a therapeutic approach.


Article • "Timely" study

Improved care after heart attack on AI-powered telemedicine platform

Coronary artery disease causes more than 1.8 million heart attacks each year in Europe. In most cases, rehabilitation helps the patients to return to their everyday life. But what happens once the…


News • After a heart attack

3D mapping of post-infarction scarring increases prognostic potential of cardiac MRI

A multidisciplinary team of scientists based at the Universidad de Valladolid and the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) has developed a highly efficient method for identifying the 3-dimensional features of the scar tissue formed after a myocardial infarction. The study was carried out in partnership with scientists and clinicians at Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Hospital…

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