
Article • Bioprinting

3D biocomposites can repair large bone defects

Loosening hip implants can cause major damage to the bone and a simple replacement won’t suffice to carry the load during movements. “To solve this problem we have to turn to innovative technologies such as bioprinting. Scaffolds are required that – while adapting slowly – offer long-term stability,” says Professor Dr Dieter Wirtz, Director of the Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma…


The power of choice

Pentax Medical Europe expands product offering

Providing innovative endoscopic solutions means understanding clinicians’ needs to optimally treat patients, based on their specific condition. Pentax Medical is expanding its offering, to present clinicians and healthcare providers with the power of choice. Pentax Medical provides a range of equipment to treat each and every patient in the most optimal way, in order to minimise the risk of…


News • Lights in the OR

New lighting solution improves illumination of surgical cavities

Vivo Surgical’s Klaro™ in vivo lighting device is designed to improve surgical illumination and provide a clearer view of surgical cavities. Developed in partnership with SingHealth – Singapore’s largest group of healthcare institutions – and Panasonic Lighting (Europe), this LED light solution solves many of the problems associated with traditional operating theatre lighting and…


News • DNA analysis

Should all babies have their genome sequenced at birth?

Genomics England, a government owned company, recently announced a pilot programme of whole genome sequencing to screen for genetic diseases in 200,000 healthy seeming newborns. But should every newborn baby have their whole genome sequenced? Experts debate the issue in The BMJ. Extensive clinical evidence has shown that screening for genetic diseases saves lives, and research has shown that it…


Article • Focused ultrasound

Histotripsy: fighting tumors with microbubbles

Focused ultrasound waves create microbubbles in a fluid – a phenomenon called cavitation. In a current study, this process is used to destroy liver tumors and metastases. In this interview, Prof. Maciej Pech talks about testing cavitation events generated during histotripsy, explains the process, and reveals its advantages.


Article • Augmented reality in the OR

AR helps surgeons to see, feel and understand

X-ray vision, context-sensitive guidance, coordinator, training assistant and more: augmented reality (AR) has hit the OR. While still in its infancy AR does grow rapidly and has already shown enormous potential. University Professor Dr Rüdiger von Eisenhart-Rothe, Chair of Orthopaedics and Sports Orthopaedics at the Technical University Munich, explains the advantages of different AR…


Article • Wearables

Wearever – Incontinence undergarments

WHO: Urinary Incontinence (UI) affects 10-36% of population. International Continence Society: 120 million men and 301 million women are affected by UI. Most studies report UI prevalence at 25–45%. Prevalence increases with age (over 40% women older than 70 years).


Sponsored • Smart textiles

Elitac Wearables – NeuroShirt

The NeuroShirt, developed from Elitac Wearables in collaboration with the University Medical Centre Utrecht (NL), is a patent-pending smart shirt that helps guide neurosurgeons during complicated skull-base surgeries. It connects to the neuronavigation system and continuously indicates both the distance and direction of critical structures through haptic feedback (vibrations). ‘This way,’ the…


Sponsored • Fully synchronised group measuring

Bittium – NeurOne

‘Bittium NeurOne is one of the quickest and most accurate EEG measuring devices in the world designed for clinical and research use,’ the manufacturer reports. ‘Bittium NeurOne system enables fully synchronised group measuring of up to 30 people simultaneously, for example in different types of psychological studies. ‘The solution is optimised for use with transcranial magnetic…


Article • Act fast, save lives

Mobile stroke units: when emergency medicine hits the road

Speed in treatment of ischemic stroke can mean the difference between successful recovery versus permanent disability caused by brain tissue damage or death. Time is of the essence to perform thrombolysis with a tissue plasminogen activate (tPA), a protein that can dissolve blood clots causing the stroke or intra-arterial thrombolytic therapy (IAT) because of large-vessel occlusion.


Article • New tools for the OR

Promoting ‘robot readiness’ in surgery

Using surgical robotic systems in OR settings brings many benefits, but there are also challenges that must be overcome before implementing the systems into surgical routine. We spoke with Megan Rosengarten, president of Medtronic’s Surgical Robotics business, about the technology, as well as the company’s efforts to promote the spread of robot-assisted surgery across Europe.

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