
Article • POCT

Integrating three laboratories

For POCT, point-of-care testing, a lab has to purchase new equipment, perform new measurements and handle new parameters – right? Right! However, more importantly, POCT requires the adaptation and integration of the existing lab organisation, with all its consequences, from additional quality control down to new areas of responsibility. Dr Herbert Stekel is currently integrating three…


News • Antibiotic resistance

A strain of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli is on the rise

Antibiotic resistant bacteria lead to infections that are difficult to treat, particularly in hospitals. Multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli bacteria which have developed special enzymes that render antibiotics ineffective frequently cause such infections. DZIF scientists from Gießen University examined these bacteria more precisely and discovered a strain of Escherichia coli that has been…


News • Medical imaging

DICOM - a reality in digital pathology workflows

Just as for other medical fields, DICOM is expected to play a significant role in pathology as a universal and fundamental standard in digital medical imaging. The value chain of solution components in a digital pathology lab is both long and complex, which makes the adoption of standards as DICOM all the more important. "One of the visions driving DICOM in general is to give users the…


News • NanoZoomer S360

Hamamatsu introduces new WSI Scanner

Hamamatsu Photonics introduces the NanoZoomer S360, a new high throughput Whole Slide Imaging scanner, engineered using Hamamatsu Photonics’ extensive experience of imaging technology and designed to meet the challenging requirements of digitizing routine clinical pathology.


Article • Going digital

Time to speed up adoption of digital pathology

Early adoption of image analytical tools and artificial intelligence are crucial if health systems across Europe are to see the full potential of digital pathology, according to a leading expert. While a growing number of European institutions are beginning to embrace digital pathology, Professor Johan Lundin remains concerned about the slow pace of progress. He acknowledges that more…


Article • Achieving a faster workflow

A modular approach to urinalysis

The reasons why doctors request urinary analysis are varied – perhaps to detect a possible or suspected infection, or to screen for kidney diseases. In all cases a reliable and rapid result is the major aim. Urinary microscopy and culture have been the mainstays of urinary analysis for many, many years both of which require time and specialist handling.


Article • Histopathology

Everything a modern laboratory needs

In the 21 years since its launch in Germany, Kugel medical has become a leading manufacturer of histopathology equipment on a global level, with a presence in laboratories, forensic centres, universities, anatomical institutes, pharmacy firms and veterinary pathologies.


Article • Mutated DNA in blood

Liquid biopsy detects tumour changes in real time

New findings from a scientific collaboration between the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), the National Centre for Tumour Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg and the Thoraxklinik Heidelberg suggest liquid biopsy as a promising tool to monitor lung cancer patient tumours early. Scientists associated liquid biopsy readouts with clinical data and could track tumour responses to cancer drugs in real-time.

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