
Sponsored • Image Processing

Analysing images pixel by pixel

Sometimes innovations face a long journey before becoming a final product. This particularly applies to medical displays – due to very high quality demands and strong regulations that are mandatory in this segment.


News • Gadolinium MRI

Superior to contrast CT for evaluating some here-and-gone metastases

MRI enhanced with gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid -the scan referred to as “EOB MRI” - is significantly better than contrast-enhanced CT for assessing colorectal liver metastases that disappear after chemotherapy, according to a study published online March 22 in Radiology.


Article • X-Ray

Wireless Digital X-ray Technology for Football Players at NFL Combine

In addition to demonstrating their speed, agility and strength at the 2017 National Football League Scouting Combine, top college football players also undergo comprehensive physical examinations that include X-ray exams. This year a CARESTREAM DRX Plus 3543 (see video link) detector was used with the existing X-ray system at Lucas Oil Stadium (Indianapolis, Ind.) to produce high-quality…


Article • Patient Safety

Obsolescent Medical Imaging Technology Is Undermining Patient Safety

The age of the installed base of medical imaging equipment is continuing to decline dramatically, placing patients at avoidable risk. To draw attention to this deterioration in equipment and the potentially serious consequences, COCIR is launching a new infographic at the 3rd edition of the EuroSafe Imaging presence at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR).


News • Happy Birthday!

Bracco celebrates its 90th anniversary with "Bracco Fellowships"

Bracco Imaging S.p.A., a leading global company in the diagnostic imaging business, today announced at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) the launch of the "Bracco Fellowships", a new, unique initiative to promote excellence among European radiologists in partnership with the European Society of Radiology (ESR).


Article • Radiographer & Industry

You can’t compare an apple with an orange

Usually radiographers work in a clinical environment, are specialised in CT, MR or ultrasound and take care of patients and their treatment. Not so Patrick Doherty, Siemens Healthcare Regional Business Manager, Dublin undergraduate who worked in a University Hospital for five years before switching to work within the healthcare industry.


Sponsored • Infection Prevention

Trusted cable systems

Ever more imaging devices are characterised by very extensive movement sequences while simultaneously being compact. Both device manufacturers and suppliers must consider mounting dynamic requirements when developing their products and ensure their long-term system integrity.


Sponsored • Surgery

MobileDaRt Evolution MX7 series

Digital mobile X-ray systems equipped with a Flat Panel Detector (FPD) are used to examine patients during hospital rounds and for urgent cases in A&E and neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Leading medical equipment manufacturer Shimadzu ( reports that its new MobileDaRt Evolution MX7 digital mobile X-ray systems provide ultra-modern and extensive mobile digital…


Article • MRI & Liver

MRI leading the way in metabolic disease imaging

New MRI techniques are set to offer advances in the earlier detection of liver disease in patients. Radiologists are harnessing the potential of highly-targeted MRI, whilst exploring the imaging modality as a means of delivering non-invasive biomarkers, reducing the need for biopsy to measure treatment response.


Sponsored • Standardization

MRI safety in practice

Missing standardized MR labeling information – related to EN IEC 62570 “MR Safe” / ”MR Conditional” labeling requirements for medical devices and MR accessories – endangers MR user and MR patient safety.


Article • MRI

New technology adapts automatically to individual characteristics

Just in time for the ECR, Siemens Healthineers is coming up with an innovation. Magnetom Vida, the new high-end 3 Tesla MRI scanner with BioMatrix technology from Siemens Healthineers, was launched to the public at University Hospital Tübingen yesterday, where the first system is installed. The new BioMatrix technology adapts automatically to individual anatomical and physiological…


Article • Breast Cancer

Mammography screening with MR

Breast cancer screening is traditionally a mammography – ultrasound business but abbreviated protocols could enable more women to be imaged with MR and receive treatment earlier, a leading researcher will show during the annual Garmisch MR meeting.


Sponsored • Cardiology

Simpler MR-conditional cardiac device selection

The ProMRI Configurator made by Biotronik is an online tool that enables physicians to select from a series of MRI requirements for a patient and subsequently generates a recommendation of all suitable MR-conditional cardiac device and lead combinations available in a particular country, thus helping physicians to choose the most suitable MR-conditional cardiac systems for each patient.


Sponsored • Detectors

Mobile X-ray around the globe

Since launching meX+ DR solutions in 2009 the imaging and X-ray solutions producer medical ECONET has installed the range internationally. Physicians in diverse areas and fields of expertise, medical crews on ships and oil-rigs, paramedics in military ambulances, as well as disaster relief forces in conflict areas, report satisfaction regarding the lightweight and flexible meX+ X-ray devices in…


Article • On the move

The role of a radiographer

‘Breathe in. Hold your breath. Then we press the button’ – the times when this brief summation could be made about a radiographer work are long gone. As an imaging support worker, the radiology assistant helps radiologists with procedures such as biopsies, and also performs clerical tasks, such as handling appointments.


Article • Women's health

Built for comfort; created for speed

The new Sofia 3-D breast ultrasound system solves all the economic and logistic challenges associated with whole-breast ultrasound by using a full-field radial scanning method, the firm reports. The resulting throughput, efficiency, and patient comfort make Sofia an ideal solution for women with dense breasts.

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