

Article • Clinical chemistry


This April, in San Jose, California, the portable lab took central stage at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry’s (AACC) annual forum for emerging clinical diagnostic technologies – a most appropriate topic for the Silicon Valley venue where so many world-changing computer and communications innovations have been born.


Medical displays

Considering ambient lighting conditions, quality assurance of medical displays requires new standards. As a result of the development in medical imaging over the past 20 years, digital medical imaging has replaced the conventional film imaging in most hospitals.


Europe’s policymakers on diagnosis and management of CDI

Urgent action is needed to improve the diagnosis and management of CDI, which is the main cause of hospital-acquired (nosocomial) diarrhoea in industrialised countries. In a report launched today, during a meeting hosted by the European Healthcare and Hospital Federation (HOPE), experts from across Europe highlight the current deficiencies in the management of CDI and outline the steps that are…


Surgeons ‘fire a warning shot’ over Germany’s hospitals

Are surgeons still opting for surgical procedures solely for medical need – or are economics forcing their decisions? That vexatious question, posed at the 129th Congress of the German, was spurned at the outset by Markus W Büchler MD, President of the Society and Medical Director of the Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery at University Hospital Heidelberg. ‘We surgeons…


Weight and height

In many hospitals medical specialists from different fields work closely together. To give them access to centrally held information and patient data collected from admittance to discharge, hospitals increasingly use IT solutions such as the electronic patient’s record (EPR). Such installations demand an extensive data security policy and implementation plan.


Article • Research, diagnostics, therapy

Laboratory medicine in focus

The medical laboratory is a supporting pillar of modern healthcare. Laboratory findings with analyses of blood, urine and other body fluids provide valuable insights from infection diagnostics and innovative screening procedures to therapy monitoring. Here you will find information on sample management, pre- and postanalytics, clinical chemistry, haematology and much more.

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