

News • NanoZoomer S360

Hamamatsu introduces new WSI Scanner

Hamamatsu Photonics introduces the NanoZoomer S360, a new high throughput Whole Slide Imaging scanner, engineered using Hamamatsu Photonics’ extensive experience of imaging technology and designed to meet the challenging requirements of digitizing routine clinical pathology.


Article • Increase confidence in the operating theatre

Adapting to image guided surgery

In more than 21% of complex anatomical osteosynthesis procedures, an intraoperative improvement of the implant position or a revision of reduction has to be performed (Recum von, J. et al., Unfallchirurg 2012, 115:196-201, Die intraoperative 3D-C-Bogen-Anwendung. State of the art).


Article • Ultrasound

Hitachi ARIETTA 850

Hitachi introduced the world’s first practical implementation of the CMUT (Capacitive Micro-machined Ultrasound Transducer) silicon wafer technology in 2009. ALOKA ARIETTA 850 exploits the next-generation of CMUT technology, and, combined with eFocusing, a dynamic transmission and reception technology, achieves outstanding clarity of imaging from near to far field. Additionally, this …


News • Time-lapse microscopy

Image correction software simplifies quantification of stem cells

Today, tracking the development of individual cells and spotting the associated factors under the microscope is nothing unusual. However, impairments like shadows or changes in the background complicate the interpretation of data. Now, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Helmholtz Zentrum München have developed a software that corrects images to make hitherto hidden…


Interview • Deep learning

Samsung: AI develops beyond the breast

Access, accuracy and efficiency are at the core of Samsung’s healthcare strategy, explained Insuk Song, Vice President of Product Planning, Healthcare and Medical Equipment at Samsung Electronics, during our exclusive European Hospital interview. Samsung, the Korean giant, is now proceding with its artificial intelligence (AI) deployment, notably with the S-Detect software to help ultrasound…


Sponsored • Experts' get-together

Toshiba Medical invites you to their MRI User Meeting 2017

Toshiba Medical proudly announces its 2nd MRI User Meeting in collaboration with Clinica Creu Blanca in Barcelona on 22 & 23 September 2017 (at Camp Nou FC Barcelona, Spain). At this MRI User Meeting, international experts will share their experiences and clinical solutions for successful diagnostic imaging in Women's and Men's Healthcare.


Interview • Biomarkers

Aiming for the earliest diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma

For almost three quarters of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients in Europe it is too late for curative treatment because the disease is often only diagnosed at a very advanced stage. Interviewed Professor Guido Gerken MD, Director of the Department for Gastroenterology and Hepatology at University Hospital Essen, about improved and timelier diagnostic capabilities that have already been…


News • Imaging technology

Visiopharm engages in major initiative for Deep Learning

Visiopharm A/S announces the first result of their multifaceted strategy to apply Deep Learning technologies to its leading image analysis solution for cancer research and diagnostics. Visiopharm considers Deep Learning an important technological breakthrough for tissue pathology that offers the potential to make a real difference in the assessment of tissue structures, which is probably one of…


Sponsored • Image Processing

Analysing images pixel by pixel

Sometimes innovations face a long journey before becoming a final product. This particularly applies to medical displays – due to very high quality demands and strong regulations that are mandatory in this segment.


News • brain research

Progress Towards a Circuit Diagram of the Brain

Precise knowledge of the connections in the brain – the links between all the nerve cells – is a prerequisite for better understanding this most complex of organs. Researchers from Heidelberg University have now developed a new algorithm – a computational procedure – that can extract this connectivity pattern with far greater precision than previously possible from microscopic images of…


Article • Managing data

Devising structured reports

Structured reporting in radiology is easier to say than do. Initially radiologists must agree on the structure of the report itself. Then they need to agree on what to report. Those two very different challenges help to explain why migration into the Digital Age of radiology reports is moving at Ice Age speed.

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