Radiation protection


German breast screening

Germany’s mammography screening programme, introduced in 2005, was rolled out across the country in 2009 for women between the ages of 50 and 69 years. The mammo screening coordination office, which heads up and monitors the country’s 94 screening units, has published for the first time an evaluation report with follow-up examinations after a twoyear period.


Unfors introduces personal dosimetry system

During the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna 2012 Unfors RaySafe launched the RaySafe i2. By using RaySafe i2 during imaging procedures, medical personnel are able to get instant information on their current exposure to X-ray, giving them prerequisites to adjust their behavior to minimize unnecessary exposure.


Mathematical wizardry

Having previously presented the CT D’OR (CT with Double Optimal Reading) and ‘Oped’ (Orthogonal Polynomial Expansion on the Disc), a detector mask and a reconstruction algorithm that improve image quality whilst simultaneously lowering the radiation dose, Professor Christoph Hoeschen, at the Department of Medical Radiation Physics and Diagnostics (AMSD) at the Helmholtz Centre Munich, is…


Regulators Work With Medical Industry on Radiation Protection

Putting patient safety first is a priority for both HERCA, the association of the Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities and COCIR, the European trade association representing the medical imaging, electromedical and healthcare IT industry, who are working together to address concerns related to radiation exposure in computed tomography (CT).

For U.S. Adults, Medical Imaging Awareness Brings Clarity to Critical Healthcare Decision-Making

Amid increased scrutiny over medical imaging scans and the use of radiation, a new survey reveals that awareness and familiarity with medical imaging tests lead to clearer decisions for U.S. adults about their healthcare. The survey, released by the Siemens Radiation Reduction Alliance (SIERRA) – an expert panel established to advance the cause of dose reduction in medical imaging – evaluated…


Web-based education in dose reduction in radiology and nuclear medicine

Siemens Healthcare is the first medical engineering company to offer a Low Dose Information Center on the Web. This English-language platform for continuing education and information around the topic of dose reduction is aimed at doctors and clinical personnel. The range of topics covered includes basic information on X-ray radiation, technical innovations relating to dose reduction and sample…

Lower Dose Without Compromising Image Quality

As the use of interventional procedures to diagnose and treat diseases increase worldwide, and the procedures grow in complexity and length, exposure to radiation is a growing concern for both clinicians and patients. GE’s Innova imaging systems help clinicians reduce radiation exposure without compromising the image quality they need to help them make confident decisions during interventional…

ContextVision introduces new mammography and interventional radiology solutions at ECR 2011

ContextVision, the software imaging partner for the most recognized medical imaging manufacturers worldwide, today introduced two innovative solutions at the 2011 European Congress of Radiology (ECR). A mammography solution addresses current limitations of x-ray image diagnosis for the detection of breast cancer, while the interventional radiology solution helps achieve superior, real-time images…


Sectra - Confident and able to count on its photon counting technology

SECure TRAnsmission, the main aim of a spin-off from the Linköping Institute of Technology, was established in 1978. From this beginning, the Swedish firm Sectra has evolved into one of the world’s leading players in PACS and mammography solutions. Although secure communication systems remains a core business, the medical section has constantly grown since 1988, when Dr Torbjörn Kronander…


New healthcare products for the environmental portfolio

Siemens has incorporated three further healthcare products into its environmental portfolio: The Somatom Definition Flash computer tomograph, the Axiom Luminos dRF fluoroscopy system and the Ysio X-ray system have successfully completed both internal evaluation and an external audit. Backing up their clinical performance and energy efficiency, the devices present a convincing case thanks to their…

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