
Nanotechnology to accelerate bone growth

In recent years, stem cells have become a hot topic of investigation with studies suggesting revolutionary medical benefits due to their ability to be converted into selected types of newly generated cells. Scientists have now come up with a way to help accelerate bone growth through the use of nanotubes and stem cells. This could lead to quicker and better recovery, for example after orthopedic…



Admittedly not one of the easiest names to pronounce but a name to note: Luhacovice in the Czech Republic.


Plasma vaporisation

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common cause of voiding disorders in men. The hyperplastic tissue constricts the urethra and leads to lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) that can be differentiated into irritative and obstructive symptoms. These can quite dramatically impact on the quality of life of affected people.


MEDICA 2008 opens its doors

When from 19 to 22 November the world's largest medical fair takes place in Dusseldorf, the entire city is in a kind of emergency state: hotels are bustin' out of their seams, traffic periodically comes to a standstill and at night exhibitors and visitors alike crowd the narrow streets of the Altstadt and the fancy hotel bars and enjoy whatever entertainment North Rhine-Westphalia's capital has…

Erster Europäischer Kongress für Integrative Medizin (ECIM)

Als Kongresspräsident lud Professor Stefan N. Willich von der Berliner Charité zur Diskussion über die Möglichkeit, dem Wunsch der Patienten nach integrierter medizinischer Versorgung nachzukommen. Denn bei chronischen oder Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen zum Beispiel möchten die Menschen sowohl schulmedizinische Aufklärung und Behandlung durch ihren Arzt als auch…


Rehacare International 2008

The number 1 fair for people with special needs, those requiring care and the chronically ill the REHACARE 2008, takes place from 15 to 18 October, Halls 3 to 7 of the Düsseldorf Trade Fair.The event will host 800 exhibitors from 30 countries presenting assistive devices and services to facilitate independent living.

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