Medical technology



Over the last five years the tiniest particles have attracted large attention in relation to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Indeed, as in other medical disciplines, nanotechnology is advancing in cardiology despite as yet insufficient research on the extent of its effect and double blind studies to confirm findings


CIED patients can have MRI examinations

A new generation of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) includes the Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD), Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Defibrillator (CRT-Ds) and Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Pacemakers (CRT-Ps). Professor W R Bauer at University Hospital Würzburg has been significantly involved in their development, EH Editor Ralf Mateblowski to ask him about…


Carestream Health Sponsors Industry Discussion On Cloud Computing in Italy

As part of the recent annual Heathcare Summit organised by Sole 24 ORE in Milan, Italy, Carestream Health sponsored a round table discussion on cloud computing. The Summit is an established event in Italy and is attended by Government and regional officials and companies contracted by the Italian Ministry of Health. Carestream is one of the world’s leading providers of cloud infrastructure,…


Carestream’s X-Factor

Carestream Health brought fresh innovations to ECR 2012, among them the DRX-Revolution that shares the same DRX-1/DRX-1C wireless detectors as others in the firm’s DRX family. In our recent European Hospital discussion, Ulf Andersson, Director of marketing and development at Carestream Health in Europe, explained why he considers this mobile X-ray device and the firm’s DRX series to be so…


Celebrating 20 Years of ESTI

This congress was a celebration, marking 20 years since the founding of ESTI, which began as a small group of founding members and has grown to become thriving society contributing to the education in Europe and encouraging worldwide.


Cooperation for better detection and treatment of medical conditions

The Johns Hopkins University (JHU), America’s first research university, in Baltimore, Md., USA, and the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), a mobile and information technology development leader based in Berlin, Germany, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly research the innovative medical applications of integrated optical sensors: small, highly sensitive devices with…


Growing global medical leasing market starts to reduce proportion of “frozen capital” in world healthcare systems

A new report from Siemens Financial Services (SFS) shows that annual growth rates for global medical equipment leasing and renting have now outstripped growth in the medical device market as a whole. The global medical leasing market is currently expanding at a rate of 6.50%, outpacing the 4.98% growth rate of the global medical device market.


The 129th Congress of the German Society of Surgery

Meeting with EH editor Brigitte Dinkloh, Congress Secretary Professor Alexis Ulrich MD (left), Assistant Medical Director at the Clinic for General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery at the University of Heidelberg, outlined the scientific programme, discussed some impressive advances in surgical procedures, and explained why the gathering bears the slogan Surgery in Partnership.


The Hitachi Aloka ProSound F75

Three radiologists, who focused on different clinical applications using different diagnostic techniques, have reached the same conclusion: the next-generation of ultrasound brings new capabilities for detection, differentiation and advanced diagnosis of disease, John Brosky reports.


A cool way to illuminate procedures

The ACEM Medical Company’s OT - System, which includes the OT-STARLED 7 and STARLED 5, is based on advanced LED (light emitting diode) technology which, the Italian manufacturer reports, ‘…guarantees the best work conditions for surgeons and medical teams in the operating rooms.’

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