Google Glass goggles stream live surgery
Some time this year, exact date unknown, Google Glass – a miniature computer attached to a pair of glasses – is expected to make its consumer debut.
Some time this year, exact date unknown, Google Glass – a miniature computer attached to a pair of glasses – is expected to make its consumer debut.
Conflict and crisis situations pose specific challenges for medical care. The only way to cope with them is to apply scientific evidence from an exchange between academic surgeons and their colleagues active in the field. The EFORT Congress in London is a crucial hub at European level for this exchange.
Postoperative infections after knee or hip joint replacements are among the most feared complications in orthopaedic surgery. At the EFORT Congress in London current research was presented that provides new insights in this field: Fracture patients are especially vulnerable to infection. New biomarkers should improve early diagnosis of risky infections.
Ever mindful of those less fortunate, Mindray Medical International continues to support the children’s medical charity, Operation Smile. Each year Mindray sponsors the global organisation to be a part of Mindray’s exhibit at the American Society of Anaesthesiology (ASA) meeting.
Many physiological and observational studies indicate that non-invasive ventilation (NIV) after both thoracic and abdominal surgery is helpful and non-randomised trials have indeed confirmed the benefits.
Hybrid operating theatres that combine conventional surgical tools with image-guided diagnostic tools, allow cardiologists and cardiac surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgery (MIS).
Johns Hopkins study finds robotic colon surgery just as effective as laparoscopy but more expensive
In France, every year 15,000 women undergo complete or partial mastectomy due to breast cancer. Only about a third of them, i.e. around 5,000 patients, use the possibilities reconstructive surgery offers and 70 percent of those women opt for an implant although it is associated with a risk of infection because the body might react negatively to the foreign object.
The Japanese display vendor Totoku extends his i2 line-up with a two and three megapixel display. The CCL258i2 and CCL358i2 are high brightness colour displays with a very high contrast ratio.
Starled3 NX, a lamp manufactured by the ACEM Medical Company, is based on the next generation LED technology, assuring cold light, long life and low energy consumption, the Italian company reports.
The prototype of the open X-ray system ORBIT generates detailed 3-D images
Use of ultrasound for guidance is gaining ground, researchers explained during the 4th IPCAI, the International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions held during CARS 2013 in Heidelberg.
A record 1,700 participants from 84 countries confirmed the dimension and international importance of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery Congress held recently in Vienna, where Hans-Christian Pruszsinsky caught up with Congress President Professor Selman Uranüs, Head of the Section for Surgical Research, Medical University of Graz, for our interview.
Shocking: Air quality checks are infrequent and insufficient in operating theatres. The good news: a new device can now measure pathogens circulating during surgical procedures, John Brosky reports
Compared to open bypass, stenting keeps circulation flowing longer in some patients, small study concludes.
Ultrasound may be used during breast conservation surgery, to locate tumour lesions or to place localising wires; it can also guide a lumpectomy and perform a specimen exam to ensure a lesion has been excised and to evaluate surgical margins
CARMAT, the designer and developer of the world’s most advanced project of total artificial heart, announces today that it has obtained the approval of four renowned international cardiac surgery centers in Belgium, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Slovenia to proceed with the first clinical implantations of its bioprosthetic total artificial heart.
This May it will be exactly 60 years since the first extracorporeal circulation device to temporarily replace heart/ lung function was successfully used in a clinical setting.
The European market for interventional radiology and cardiology is heading towards maturity, especially in Western Europe. Although the economic slowdown and fewer orders had a negative impact on revenues in 2012, it is expected that expanding applications of interventional systems and the popularisation of hybrid solutions will drive market growth over the 2013-2017 period.
Disorientation, anxiety and hallucinations are symptoms of delirium, which may also occur after major surgery. Older people are particularly affected by postoperative delirium. Delirium after surgery occurs in up to 70% of cases, Anja Behringer reports
TRUMPF’s youngest child exceeds all expectations. Since November 2012, the active assistance system ViKY has been a new member in the TRUMPF product portfolio. As many as 36 orders from Europe and the Middle East has the medical technology company received so far - five of them from Turkish hospitals solely.
Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, the global leader in the science of heart valves and hemodynamic monitoring, announced the three-year results of a pivotal clinical study of severe aortic stenosis patients at high-risk for surgery.
Massive and increasing cost pressure urges many hospitals to look for alternatives to expensive in-patient surgery.
Operating theatre (OT) equipment is increasingly distributed and interconnected, and the staff depends on IT to access and exchange vital information.
Founded in 1991 in Shenzhen, China, Mindray is now known internationally for its products that cover patient monitoring and life support, in-vitro diagnostics, medical imaging and veterinary. During Daniela Zimmermann’s interview with David Yin, General Manager of Mindray Europe, he described the firm’s clear strategy for Europe and beyond