

Article • Experts outline European infrastructure

AI in health imaging: computational power isn’t everything

What will the future structure for artificial intelligence in health imaging across Europe look like? While the algorithms show great promise in collecting, storing, analysing, and using data to advance healthcare, delegates to a session on the topic at ECR 2023 in Vienna, also heard that it was important for the use of AI to move from research and more toward practical applications for patients.…


Article • Impact of ICM packaging and delivery systems

Contrast media bottles: benefits of switching to multi-dose

Iodinated contrast media (ICM) enhance CT imaging, but its single-dose packaging is increasingly proving at odds with modern, more sustainable imaging practices. New award-winning research by a radiology resident and faculty members at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, proposes a promising alternative: A switch from using single-dose injectable contrast media kits to…


Article • Radiation protection debate

Patient shielding: a relic from the past of radiology?

Against a backdrop of changing technology and reduced patient dose, a new momentum is emerging within radiology to eradicate patient shielding. The subject has been extensively debated and researched in recent years but there is now a growing consensus to end the practice, apart from with a few exceptions. The topic was the focus of a session at ECR 2023 in Vienna where different perspectives…


Article • Project EU-JUST-CT

CT scans: systematic evaluation of benefits and risks

When is a CT scan justified, i.e. when do the benefits of a CT scan for the patient outweigh possible risks associated with radiation? Justification has been a major issue among radiologists ever since CT has become widely available and widely used. With regard to dose the answer is the well-known ALARA principle: “As low as reasonable achievable“. Now, the European coordinated action on…


Article • Plenary discussion at ECR 2023

Sustainable radiology: why it takes more than “greener” imaging systems

It’s clear that radiology is lacking in the “green” department: healthcare still causes a large share of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, not least due to diagnostic imaging. Dr Sarah Sheard from Imperial College Healthcare, UK, invited her ECR audience to take a closer look at radiology’s climate footprint – and revealed ways to make the field more sustainable.


News • Expert roundtable at ECR 2023

How AI will shape the future of radiology

The future of medical imaging will be shaped by AI, according to an expert panel hosted by Bayer at ECR in Vienna. Participants explored key trends in radiology and how AI innovation can help patients and their treating physicians.


Article • Stepping outside of healthcare to help the planet

Radiologists as champions for health equity

Climate change will impact health and complicate access to care for the most vulnerable, but radiologists can do more than just sticking to their jobs. They should step outside the confines of their specialty and promote health and wellbeing in their communities, an eminent American radiologist explained at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

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