

Article • Digital pathology

Biopsy results

Gideon Ho, CEO and co-founder of Singapore-based HistoIndex is confident: ‘After a biopsy a patient waits in a hospital bed, but now, instead of waiting a couple days until doctors know how to treat this patient, we can deliver results while the patient is still in the hospital.’ Report: John Brosky


News • Medica: Finalreport

Medica 2014: Tailwinds for Export Business

The 4,831 exhibitors at Medica as well as the 724 exhibitors at Compamed gave the almost 130,000 visitors impressive proof of the benefit of their product innovations and wealth of ideas for high-quality and affordable health care. Approx. 84,000 visitors came from abroad travelling from some 120 countries to Düsseldorf.


News • Market

Andalusia Health Service Selects Accenture and Carestream

Andalusia Health Service has selected Accenture and Carestream Health to deploy a picture archiving and communications system (PACS) that will allow clinicians to manage, store and share diagnostic imaging data across more than 1,600 healthcare facilities in Spain. This initiative by the Andalusia Health Service is expected to go live in late 2015, creating one of the largest medical imaging…


News • Medica

DTR Medical: latest product developments at Medica 2014

Over in Hall 16, in the Wales Pavilion, an extensive instrument range from the single-use surgical instrument manufacturer, is on show from DTR Medical Ltd. Included are precision electro surgery instruments. ‘Micro Needle Electrodes (both tungsten and stainless steel variants) offer first time sharpness with fine, precise tissue dissection,’ the firm reports. The range also includes…

News • CT

The NewTom 5G cone-beam CT scanner

Precursor in the field of CBCT imaging, NewTom creates the finest solutions for clinical diagnostics,’ the manufacturer reports. ‘Our first CBCT system was originally installed in 1996. This was the forefather of the NewTom product line and of all X-ray units based on CBCT.’

News • E-Health

24/7 On-Board Pediatric Telemedicine Service

Carestream Health announces cooperation with MSC Cruises and Italy’s Gaslini Institute in Genoa, Italy. As part of this collaborative effort, Carestream will be providing a cloud-based teleconsultation portal to enable the Institute to deliver remote diagnosis, specialist second opinions, patient monitoring and referrals wherever needed at any time.

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