Medica: Finalreport
Medica 2014: Tailwinds for Export Business
The 4,831 exhibitors at Medica as well as the 724 exhibitors at Compamed gave the almost 130,000 visitors impressive proof of the benefit of their product innovations and wealth of ideas for high-quality and affordable health care. Approx. 84,000 visitors came from abroad travelling from some 120 countries to Düsseldorf.

“The high number of international visitors has provided medical device technology providers as well as their suppliers at Medica and Compamed with tailwinds for propping up their export business. Those putting their business on a particularly broad footing across country borders find it easier to compensate for an unclear market and safety situation in specific countries,” says Joachim Schäfer, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf, summing up events in the halls of the world’s biggest medical trade fair and of the leading international trade fair for suppliers’ products in medical manufacture after four days (12 – 15 November 2014). Just as important for exhibitors is the visitors’ decision-making authority. MEDICA also boasts top scores here. Over 70% of visitors have a say or are decisively involved in purchasing decisions; add to these another 10% who are involved in a consulting capacity.
Re-Launch of Conference Program bears Fruit
To also meet the needs of international visitors in future, Medica accompanying conference program has been fundamentally restructured over the past two years – now boasting highlights not only for German trade visitors and conferences on very specific topics.
The Medica Education Conference, which was organised by the German Society for Internal Medicine (DGIM) for the first time this year, offered an multi-disciplinary program: 280 events with 350 speakers on four days placed the link between science and medical technology centre stage. Highlights of the programme included events on sonography, latest insights into the treatment of hepatitis C, the introduction of the MiroSurge surgical robotic system as well as lectures on “Medical and Social Freezing”. “Participant feedback on the quality of topics and speakers was very positive,” says Prof. Dr. Hendrik Lehnert, the President of the Medica Education Conference.
DiMiMED, the International Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine, registered a further increase in participants with high-ranking representatives from the armed forces of over 20 nations. “Military medical services render outstanding performance worldwide under often very difficult conditions. The opportunity to exchange experiences amongst participants and know-how with medical technology manufacturers was boosted significantly at DiMiMED,” said Dr. Christoph Büttner, the Scientific Head of the Conference (Beta Group), summing up.
The Medica Medicine + Sports Conference for sports and preventive medicine also enjoyed growing attendance. Here renowned experts like Prof. Dr. Tim Meyer, physician to Germany’s national football team, or Prof. Jonathan Clark, medical director of the Red Bull-Stratos project, provided visitors with exciting insights into the latest methods used in performance diagnostics and sports medicine. Aspects that doctors regularly face as routine were not neglected in the English lectures either.
From 2015 Medica and Compamed to be held from Monday to Thursday
From November next year Medica and Compamed will always be held in Düsseldorf from Monday to Thursday and will run concurrently on all four days. The concentration on “normal” week and working days from Monday to Thursday (instead of from Wednesday to Saturday as before) will in future make for an even better distribution of the trade audience on all four days and a more uniform utilization of exhibitors’ presentations and their infrastructure.
Press Release: MEDICA 2014