
The 90th German Radiology Congress

"Radiologists often see cancer patients over a period of years and continuously deliver important information for the treatment process," says Claus D. Claussen MD, Professor of Radiology and Director of the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University Hospital in Tübingen and President of the 90th German Radiology Congress. For the first time in the history of this…


Radiologists and patients prefer CO2 insufflation

Many randomised trials have shown that endoscopic colonoscopies as well as virtual colonoscopies via CT scans are equally efficient in detecting colon polyps and tumours. With an endoscopic examination suspicious mucosal findings can be investigated by biopsy and polyps can be removed. However, causes for argument against this method include the incomplete examination, often severe pain and a…


Definiens Lymphexpert launched for European Radiologists

Definiens, the number one Enterprise Image Intelligence company, launched its first computer-aided detection (CAD) application, Definiens LymphExpert at the annual European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna, Austria. Now commercially available for European radiologists, the application assists in tracking lymph nodes of interest, facilitating earlier detection of the metastatic spread of…


Toshiba invits experts to discuss the advantages of state-of-the-art technology

Toshiba's pre-opening ECR event on Wednesday evening attracted around 120 radiological experts who wanted to learn more about the company's technology in daily practice. Toshiba invited several highly-regarded radiologists and cardiologists from Austria and Germany who not only presented the diagnostic possibilities of the firm's products offers, but answered critical questions asked by the…


GE's new Discovery PET/CT 600 scanners go global

GE Healthcare's first Discovery PET/CT 600-series scanners are being installed in a number of leading clinics around the world. "This first set of installations is a big step forward in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease", said Terri Bresenham, newly appointed vice- president and general manager of GE Healthcare's global Molecular Imaging business.


EAU hot topic: Imaging in urological oncology today

Big discussions are expected at the upcoming European Association of Urology (EAU) Congress in Stockholm* when urologist Dr Jochen Walz (right), of the Urological Department at the Institute Paoli-Calmettes, Marseilles, France, presents the forum: Imaging in Europe: Who, where, what, how many! and M F Coelho, of the European Society of Urological Imaging (ESUI) describes the Clinical utility of…


Article • Gender equality

Have women's career chances improved in radiology?

The role of women in radiology and the challenges they face were again the focus of a session — Women in Radiology: How to maximise their potential — at this year's ECR, when female and male radiologists discussed their work experiences and combining home and family life with demanding careers. A forum also discussed the family friendly approaches in various countries.

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