

EAU hot topic: Imaging in urological oncology today

Big discussions are expected at the upcoming European Association of Urology (EAU) Congress in Stockholm* when urologist Dr Jochen Walz (right), of the Urological Department at the Institute Paoli-Calmettes, Marseilles, France, presents the forum: Imaging in Europe: Who, where, what, how many! and M F Coelho, of the European Society of Urological Imaging (ESUI) describes the Clinical utility of…


Make a note in your diary: The MCC Hospital World 2009

Globalization and internationalization are increasingly important, but the question is, how to handle these trends as they affect the hospital market? The 2009 MCC Hospital World Congress will again convene over 200 CEOs, senior executives and government officials from all sectors of the Hospital Industry to exchange ideas in order to foster innovative, solution-oriented strategies to advance…


Do you know the right financing strategy for your hospital?

Since the beginning of the global economic crisis the question of whether and how much hospital managers should invest in updating medical technology has become more complicated. Fear of making the wrong decisions and insecurity around future budgets make it even more important to find trustworthy and competent financial solutions shaped to the specific needs of individual hospitals. VR Medico,…


Despite the poor market outlook Medica 2008 proved a superlative event

Dusseldorf, November — Medica's anniversary had many significant facets: in its 40th year, and for the 40th time, this spectacular international medical trade fair broke its previous year's record in visitor numbers — but, only just. The event was not only struck by the snow and ice of a sudden winter onset, but also by a storm that brought a level of chaos to Messe Dusseldorf's outdoor…

Want to open a care facility?

Operators and funding bodies of care facilities, politicians and representatives from nursing care insurance companies and their advisory body the Medical Service of the Central Organisation for Medical Insurers (MDS), as well as investors, gathered in November for the two-day Euroforum Conference.

Don't wait to watch them die

The lower life expectancy of men is mainly due to insufficient uptake of healthcare services and an unhealthy life style Low social status influences men's health far more than women's health Medical care must address men at work, at sports centres, and other gatherings


MEDICA 2008 opens its doors

When from 19 to 22 November the world's largest medical fair takes place in Dusseldorf, the entire city is in a kind of emergency state: hotels are bustin' out of their seams, traffic periodically comes to a standstill and at night exhibitors and visitors alike crowd the narrow streets of the Altstadt and the fancy hotel bars and enjoy whatever entertainment North Rhine-Westphalia's capital has…

Exhausted? Share a `Happy Hour´

Regulars at MEDICA well understand the energy needed to stay the pace. A welcome break at the end of the days could be found at the receptions or `Happy Hours´ held by certain exhibitors who will be happy to welcome visitors to their stands.


Facing the terror

While Western Europe's hospitals only carry out drills for possible terrorist events — Israel's medics face the real thing. During the recent Congress of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine in Berlin, internist Dr Michael Kafka, head of emergency medicine at the Bnai Zion Medical Centre in Haifa, described strategies to cope with mass casualty events.

Erster Europäischer Kongress für Integrative Medizin (ECIM)

Als Kongresspräsident lud Professor Stefan N. Willich von der Berliner Charité zur Diskussion über die Möglichkeit, dem Wunsch der Patienten nach integrierter medizinischer Versorgung nachzukommen. Denn bei chronischen oder Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen zum Beispiel möchten die Menschen sowohl schulmedizinische Aufklärung und Behandlung durch ihren Arzt als auch…

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