Presented and organised by ECR 2009 and European Hospital

Investment strategies and financing solutions in healthcare projects


Vasco Luis José de Mello MBA, Executive Director of Grupo Hospitalario in Madrid, graduated as a mechanical engineer. After six years in investment banking (London and Lisbon), since 2002 he has worked in the healthcare sector, specifically in hospital management in Portugal and Spain. His responsibilities have included finance and control, development of new projects, IT and purchasing. He is Director of José de Mello Saúde and Executive Director of Grupo Hospitalario Quirón, both leading groups in Portugal and Spain.
During the symposium, he will present new approaches available for hospital managers and hospital groups who face general investment and it’s financing. These involve two key issues: How to minimise investment needs and how to optimise financing solutions, with, he points out, ‘A real and actual perspective from a company with the biggest infrastructure plan in Spain in the last five years.’


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