
Die AFHdialogTAGE

Innovative Lösungen und neue Technologien diskutieren, Herausforderungen gemeinsam annehmen - dafür stehen die AFHdialogTAGE des Asklepios Future Hospital Programms (AFH). Die zweitägige Fachtagung findet am 28. und 29.Januar in Berlin statt.


The German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery

Despite the very varied nature of the scientific programme for The German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (Berlin, 24-27 October), Congress President Professor Joachim Hassenpflug, with Prof. Kuno Weise MD, President of the DGU, and Siegfried Götte MD, President of the BVOU, had ensured the presentations addressed representatives from both medical disciplines.


The 5th World Conference on Breast Cancer

"Come and experience the great Canadian Prairie Hospitality!" say the organisers of the 5th World Conference on Breast Cancer (WCBC), to be held in June next year in Winnipeg, Manitoba - the "cultural cradle of the nation, gateway to the Canadian west, and a meeting place for over 6,000 years," the WCBC Foundation points out.


High Resolution Protocol Optimization

Since the introduction of multi-slice computerized tomography (MS-CT), several authors have reported an increased exposure to radiation when using the manufacturer-specific protocols compared with the previous technique of single-slice computerized tomography (SS-CT). On the basis of comprehensive dose measurements conducted on a phantom, a study by S. M. Giacomuzzi et al reported that the mean…


Multi-slice CT: Learning from experience

The Netherlands - September '00 - A good example of one of the discussions was the general issue of dose reduction. All participants agreed that it would be a challenge to be able to realise this, although this should definitely not interfere with the image quality. An interesting challenge for the users as well as the manufacturers! Many interesting topics were presented during the seminar, of…


The Wonderful World of Images Report on the Workshop

Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) and contrast echocardiography open up new possibilities for exactly representing and assessing functional cardiac disturbances. This was the topic discussed by Dr. Harald Becher of John Radcliff Hospital, Oxford, and Dr. Jörg Strotmann of the University Clinic Würzburg in the framework of the Toshiba workshop “New approaches in echocardiography” at the European…


The new Xario

In October 2004 Toshiba introduced Xario, its new, premium high-end ultrasound scanner to the market and exhibited the system at major congresses throughout Europe. The following article gives an overview of its features and functions and provides an insight into the latest technological developments for meeting the rapidly changing demands of today's challenging clinical practice.


Vantage for Advantage - Interview with Hans Baartman, MR specialist at Toshiba Medical Systems Europe

Toshiba introduces its new 1.5 MR system in Europe VISIONS: After a period of relative silence Toshiba' MRbusiness division is about to introduce a new system. What is the reason for this increased attention? Hans Baartman: In 2003 a new MRI product, the EXCELART Vantage, was introduced in Japan and the USA where it has become very successful. Because the MRI community is very internationally…


European Institute of Molecular Imaging founded in Münster, Germany

Besides sophisticated imaging technologies, biomarkers are the key to molecular medicine. Therefore, the development of new and more specific biomarkers is the primary aim of researchers around the world and - since this June - it is also the aim of the new founded European Institute of Molecular Imaging, a cooperation project of the University Münster, Germany and Siemens Medical Solutions.…


New insights, algorithms and debates

For the first time in 33 years, wound healing was the focus of a dedicated session at the 33rd annual VEITHsymposium for vascular surgeons in New York (11/06). This underscores the fact that wound healing is heading increasingly towards a speciality that warrants the special attention of dedicated people willing to embrace an interdisciplinary approach to non-healing or complex wounds.

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