

Article • ECR 2008

Agfa HealthCare to present its CR portfolio

Agfa HealthCare presents its entire Computed Radiography (CR) solutions range at ECR 2008 in Vienna. From desktop and compact solutions to groundbreaking Computed Radiography systems that fill the gap between CR and DR (Direct Radiography), the company is able to offer its customers the right solution for every facility of any size.


Roles in radiology, research, plus a private life?

Apart from spending a year at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore, USA, the professor has never worked anywhere other than at the Radiology Department at the University Hospital of Cattinara Hospital, Trieste, of which she is Chairman. Daniela Zimmermann asked her about what women can achieve in this field, as well as the professor's own multifarious roles and research activities.


CAD improves breast cancer diagnosis

A study recently published in the online version of the American Journal of Roentgenology evaluated the clinical value of Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) software in the interpretation of mammograms. In the course of the study, the recall rate, sensitivity, positive predictive value, and cancer detection rate for single reading with CAD, versus double reading without CAD, were investigated.


Albanian cancer screening-programme for female patients

In the course of the `Interreg III´ Italian-Albanian collaborative project, which is financed by the European Union and the Italian Apulia region, an Albanian screening programme for breast and cervical tumours will be established. The initiative aims at improving the public health system of Albania, regarding the training and the technical equipment needed for such screening projects.


New technology enhances X-ray images

An innovative method to produce dark-field X-ray images was recently presented by researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the EPFL in Switzerland. Dark-field images offer more details than ordinary X-ray radiographs, allowing to diagnose early stage breast cancer, osteoporosis or Alzheimer's disease.


Agfa HealthCare announced programme for RSNA at MEDICA

Agfa HealthCare, a leading provider of IT-enabled clinical workflow and diagnostic imaging solutions, announces today at MEDICA that it will be presenting its entire Computed Radiography solutions family range at RSNA 2007, to be held in Chicago from 25 until 30 November. From desktop and compact solutions to groundbreaking Computed Radiography systems that fill the gap between CR and DR, Agfa…

The Novalis Tx for stereotactic radiosurgery

Novalis Tx, a system for stereotactic radiosurgery, has resulted from a partnership between the Munich-based medical technology company BrainLAB AG and Varian Medical Systems Inc, two firms that have successfully worked together on radiation therapy products for over a decade. The powerful linear accelerator Trilogy Tx and special technology for beam focusing was contributed by Varian; BrainLAB,…


Osteoporosis screening at the dentist?

Researchers from the School of Dentistry at the University of Manchester developed a technique to identify osteoporosis from ordinary dental x-rays. The software-based method has the potential to improve the early diagnoses of osteoporosis on a wide-scale screening level.


Röntgen's X-Rays as mirrored in public interest

On Friday night, 8th November 1895, the physician Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen from Würzburg discovered a new type of radiation while doing tests with cathode ray tubes. Within just six weeks of intensive research, he succeeded in exploring the essential characteristics of the X-rays- or "Röntgen rays" as they were named after him later on.


Selenium-Based Flat Panel X-ray Detector for Digital Fluoroscopy and Radiography

We have succeeded in developing the first selenium-based flat panel X-ray detector for digital fluoroscopy and radiography. This flat panel X-ray detector efficiently captures X-rays that have passed through the patient's body and converts them directly to digital dynamic and static images. It has been confirmed that images with high spatial resolution and contrast can be obtained. The detector…


Enviromental Protection in medical technology

For the production of medical technology products more and more companies take enviromental protection and energy efficiency into consideration. Siemens Medical Solutions e.g. ensures with a holistic concept that the products not only match high ecological demands during production, but also in operation and beyond shutdown.

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