

Celebrating the New Partnership the "Japanese Way"

The Amphia Hospital in the Netherlands is an amalgamation of three hospitals: the Molengracht and the Langenberg in Breda and the Pasteurlaan in Oosterhout, with a total capacity of 1100 beds. At present, these hospitals are not specifically specialised and consequently there is considerable staff movement from one facility to another. However, in the near future a high-tech facility will be…


Optimization and Reduction of CT Radiation Exposure

The exposure of patients to radiation by computed tomography has been widely discussed in recent years, both by professionals and by the public. The essential reason for optimizing patient exposure is the basic desire to keep radiation dose at the lowest possible level. This requires above all organ-specific and patient-specific adjustment of the radiation exposure in order to achieve uniform…


Child abuse - radiological images provide important hints

The number of unreported cases of child abuse is extremely high. Experts estimate that there are at least twice as much cases as registered yearly. One reason for this disastrous situation is the fact, that physicians are not trained in reading the signs. Prof Dr Markus Uhl, paediatric radiologists from the University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany, explained to EUROPEAN HOSPITAL which specific…


Want to invest into healthcare?

Dr A Tamosiunas, Associate Professor at the Radiology Centre in the Medical Faculty at Vilnius University, Lithuania, and Director of the Radiology Centre at Vilnius University Hospital, discusses the present situation and future development of the radiology services in Lithuania with EH correspondent Andrius Vagoras


The EOS digital x-ray unit

Traditionally, radiography systems have an X-ray tube at one end, film-screen cassette or detector at the other, a table between, and perhaps a mounted assembly on a U-arm or chest stand.


Discovering Toshiba

Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation is a global medical solutions company covering research and development, manufacture, sales and service for medical diagnostic X-ray systems, CT scanners, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, nuclear medicine systems, as well as healthcare IT systems and radiation therapy equipment. Daniela Zimmermann, of European Hospital, recently visited Toshiba's…


Exclusive dry long film for digital CR/DR

XL, an exclusive, dry, long film for use in the Horizon XL printer - currently the only digital long film imager on the market - promises to not only to reduce costs, save space, and completely eliminate wet film processing needs, but also to enhance orthopaedic studies of paediatric and adult spines, scoliosis and long bone hip-to-ankle.


The RSNA 2005

Late in November and into early December, as icy air streamed over the shores of Lake Michigan - affirming the nickname `windy city´ for Chicago - radiologists continued to immigrate here en masse for their biggest annual gathering. This year the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) held its 91st annual meeting, parallel with the scientific congress and trade fair. The exhibition alone…


Dual-Source CT

X-ray computed tomography (CT) has shown an absolutely remarkable and impressive increase in its performance characteristics for many years - remarkable because the modality was declared dead in the 1980s, impressive because these developments seemed impossible to many, for technical and for physics reasons.

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