
New therapy found to prevent heart failure

A landmark study has successfully demonstrated a 29 percent reduction in heart failure or death in patients with heart disease who received an implanted cardiac resynchronization therapy device with defibrillator (CRT-D) versus patients who received only an implanted cardiac defibrillator (ICD-only).

Palliativmedizin: Bundestagsbeschluss blendet wichtige Inhalte aus

Mit dem Beschluss des Gesetzes zum Assistenzpflegebedarf, das es Menschen mit Behinderung erlaubt, Hilfen ihres ambulanten Pflegepersonals auch während eines stationären Krankenhausaufenthalts in Anspruch zu nehmen, wurde auch die Aufnahme eines neuen Querschnittbereichs in das Medizinstudium beschlossen: Künftig gehört die Palliativmedizin zur Ausbildung für angehende Ärzte dazu.


Radiology: a major player in cancer diagnostics and therapy

Today, radiology is much more than just “taking pictures”: due to the high resolution offered by modern equipment, imaging procedures are playing a key role in many medical disciplines. Per definitionem, so to speak, radiology is an interdisciplinary field and exchange with other specialists is part of the radiologist's daily routine. In particular with regard to tumor diagnostics and…


Treating obesity surgically

Professor Rudolf A Weiner, head of the surgical department at Sachsenhausen Hospital, Germany, reports that some developing procedures result not only result in weight loss but also in the systematic elimination of metabolic disorders, and that many new developments in the field promise hope for both the obese and their doctors


The 90th German Radiology Congress

"Radiologists often see cancer patients over a period of years and continuously deliver important information for the treatment process," says Claus D. Claussen MD, Professor of Radiology and Director of the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University Hospital in Tübingen and President of the 90th German Radiology Congress. For the first time in the history of this…

Hoffnung für Patienten mit Arteriosklerose

Jede Behandlung mit einem Ballonkatheter provoziert die Narbenbildung an der Gefäßinnenwand, weil durch das Dehnen des verstopften Gefäßrohres mikrofeine Verletzungen entstehen. Unangenehme Folge sind erneute Verengungen der Arterien, weitere Gefäßweitungen werden nötig...Radiologen der Berliner Charité entwickelten nun einen Gefäßkatheter, der die Narbenbildung in den Gefäßwänden…

Pain control

The availability of a new opioid-based treatment option, has led pain specialists to believe they may at last be able to solve the age-old problem of how to provide effective chronic pain relief without causing opioid-induced constipation (OIC).


Article • Benign tumours

Uterine fibroids: studies indicate high success rate for radiological treatment

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumours in women. Treatment is only necessary if the fibroids cause pain and bleeding due to their size and position. Minimally-invasive fibroid embolisation is a gentle, efficient and long-lasting treatment for their removal, leaving the uterus intact. The first evaluations of several international long-term studies have indicated a high success rate…

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