
New technology enhances X-ray images

An innovative method to produce dark-field X-ray images was recently presented by researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the EPFL in Switzerland. Dark-field images offer more details than ordinary X-ray radiographs, allowing to diagnose early stage breast cancer, osteoporosis or Alzheimer's disease.


COPD: New therapy reduces mortality

Patients with severe COPD may benefit more from therapy that combines salmeterol and fluticasone [SFC] than treatment with tiotropium, according to results from a long-term, multi-center study, “Investigating New Standards for Prophylaxis in Reducing Exacerbations” (INSPIRE) that directly compared the two therapies.


Improved and faster analysis of MR images

Thanks to a new software, MR images from a five-minute scan may generate the images for a complete and comprehensive examination and therefore eliminating the need to perform multiple scans. The advanced software developed by Synthetic MR AB will be offered as a clinical application in Sectra´s PACS system.

Faster MR

Sweden — Sectra, which develops IT systems and products for radiology, mammography and orthopaedic surgery, has announced an agreement with Swedish research firm Synthetic MR AB, developer of analysis and imaging methods for synthetic magnetic resonance, for its new software-based technology to be offered as a clinical application in Sectra's PACS for radiology.


MR spectroscopy

USA - MRI is playing an increasingly important role in breast cancer screening in the US, especially in the screening of high risk patients. It has proven to be more sensitive than mammography examinations, but is less accurate in the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions.


Want a second opinion? Ask the computer

Radiologists frequently have limited time when examining mammography images, especially under screening conditions. In addition to their training and experience, the computer can offer beneficial support in the detection of breast cancer, due to special Computer Aided Detection (CAD) software solutions


New ways of working: innovation in cancer nursing practice

Change is occurring at a rapid rate in cancer care - in many European countries cancer services are now being provided primarily in an ambulatory or outpatient setting with subsequent change of resources. Karen Luker, Professor of Community Nursing at the Universtiy of Manchester, UK, thinks that specialist nurses should not only refresh their knowledge of existing and new therapies. As the face…


tennessee - The convenient one!

ulrich medical is an independent medium-sized company with worldwide sales of innovative products in the field of medical technology. For 25 years ulrich contrast agent injectors are reliable partners for radiological clinics and practices. They ensure optimal contrast agent injection for computer and magnetic resonance tomography.

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