New display for modality imaging

Totoku now offers the new 19inch, 1,3 Megapixel grayscale display ME191L. It supports all modality devices of the most common manufacturers but fits also for special applications like cardiology. The display was developed to replace the CRT monitors, which reached the end of their lifetime.

Photo: New display for modality imaging
The installed base of modality devices inside the hospitals is constantly growing. Nearly all of them require a display device. A lot of those are already installed for a long time. Quite often here are CRT monitors connected which are almost at the end of their lifetime. Those units need to be replaced quickly and easily.
“Exactly for those purposes Totoku offers now the new 19inch, 1,3 Megapixel grayscale display ME191L. It is able to support all modality devices of the most common manufacturers but fits also perfect for special applications like cardiology”, explains Dirk Cordt, General Manager Sales and Marketing department TOTOKU Europe. Thanks to the various gamma presets the display can be adapted easily to the connected modality device.
The display fulfills all requirements of a high quality medical imaging device. With a maximum brightness of 1000cd/m² and a contrast ratio of 900:1 even under bad circumstances a very high image quality is secured. With the integrated lambda sentinel the calibrated brightness is kept permanently on the right level.
It offers also a flexible input concept; thanks to this also non standard timings are displayed. “In addition to this the supported frequency range is wider than usual. That’s the reason why signals can be displayed where other displays fail.” Cordt explains further. A wide viewing angle of 178° in vertical and horizontal axis ensures always an accurate view at the x-ray images.
More informations: and
This article was adapted from original press release.


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