

News • Message from our partner

Unleash the full potential of AI and robotics with Automa+ Health 2023

Machines are getting smarter every day, and companies across the world are discovering new ways in which they can use AI to significantly enhance engagement and customer experience. That is why decision-makers from pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and healthcare providers gather to network and discuss the latest innovations, as well as the potential for both AI and robotics, at Healthcare…


Article • More quality time for patients

Transport robots help care staff

Surveys and studies regularly arrive at the same conclusion: care staff, particularly in hospitals, want more time to spend with the patients. Persistent staff shortages, however, continue to increase the staff’s workload and thus render this wish well-nigh impossible. But there might be help around the corner: the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA developed…


Article • Evolving technology

Exosuits for human augmentation and assistance

Exosuits are adding a new dimension to rehabilitation and human augmentation options for people with limited movements after sustaining injury. High-tech sensors, actuators, controllers and soft textiles are advancing the possibilities of exosuits, with 3D printed components further enhancing the power and accuracy of the devices. The latest innovations were outlined by exosuit expert Professor…


Article • “Embracing the future: Making robots for humans” at ICRA

Conference unveils the latest developments in robotics and automation

Ever-more sophisticated robots are advancing healthcare across a wide range of areas. Latest developments and research are being showcased in London from May 29 to June 2 at the 40th International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). The event is set to be the world’s largest gathering on robotics and automation with pioneers, inventors and innovators coming together with academics,…


Article • Digitisation in the OR

Robotic duo pushes boundaries of microsurgery

One robot supports the surgeon’s control of tiny instruments, while another automatically keeps an eye on what is happening: With this novel combination, surgeons in Münster have successfully performed fully robot-assisted microsurgery for the first time. Presenting the new procedure at the Hornheide Specialist Clinic, the experts explain how the interaction of both robotic systems ensures…


Article • Alternative to open surgical procedures gains traction

The future of minimally invasive interventions

In the future, many types of open surgeries will be replaced with minimally invasive interventions, predicts Kevin Cleary, PhD, engineering lead at the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation at Children’s National Hospital, and Professor of Pediatrics and Radiology at George Washington University, both in Washington, D.C. Surgeons and interventional radiologists will be able…

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