

World Wide Health Taiwan 2008

The medical travel industry has been sprouting the interest of healthcare providers ever so rapidly that some are classified as “swimmer who jumps into a pool without really checking out the temperature of the water”. What healthcare providers have to realize is that if they wish to be a part of the borderless endeavor, they have to prioritize on a globally acceptable structure to be pursued…


conhIT: The future place to be for healthcare IT providers?

From 2004 to 2007 VHitG (Verband der Hersteller von IT-Systemen im Gesundheitswesen) and Messe Frankfurt jointly organised ITeG (IT-Messe und Dialog im Gesundheitswesen). When VhitG moved the event to Berlin, this cooperation ended and Messe Berlin came on board as new partner for what is now called conhIT. The organisation team headed by Jens Naumann, VhitG chairman, developed an entirely new…


Pregnant Jessica

Wales - Jessica Tate is pregnant. Hers is a normal pregnancy. There is, however, some concern because she wants her baby to be born at home, but is often alone there because her partner must travel for his work. Mid-term, she is tired and has mild anaemia. At one stage in her pregnancy she also falsely believes labour has started and is worried. However, all should go well. She benefits from…


Building a New Hospital in Spain on Schedule and within Budget

Luis Barcia Albacar, Director General of Torrevieja Salud UTE Hospital in Torrevieja, Spain, shared his experience of building a new hospital within budget and opening on schedule in October 2006 with all services operational. Located on the east coast of Spain, the 220-bed hospital was built to accommodate a full-time population of 213,000, but also needed to be able to service the surge of…


Roles in radiology, research, plus a private life?

Apart from spending a year at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore, USA, the professor has never worked anywhere other than at the Radiology Department at the University Hospital of Cattinara Hospital, Trieste, of which she is Chairman. Daniela Zimmermann asked her about what women can achieve in this field, as well as the professor's own multifarious roles and research activities.


The 23rd annual EAU Congress

The Milano Convention Centre (MIC) is the largest of its kind in Italy. Certainly that space will prove valuable this March, when 9,500 urologists from 100 countries attend the 23rd EAU Congress, the second biggest of its kind in the world. Apart from attending the congress and related trade fair, they may also glimpse Milan's many attractions: the cathedral, La Scala, Sforza's Castle, or even…


Labs are vital

Labs are Vital is a global initiative managed in the United Kingdom by a steering group that includes the Royal College of Pathologists, Association of Clinical Pathologists, Association for Clinical Biochemistry, Institute of Biomedical Science, British In Vitro Diagnostics Association and Abbott Diagnostics.


Lab Tests Online - information for the European population

During the formal launch ceremony in Brussels, Belgium, representatives of the European Commission acknowledged Lab Tests Online as a valuable patient-centered website, providing health information that meets the highest quality standards. Approximately 1.5 million users visit the non-commercial, peer-reviewed website each month to access accurate, reliable and easy to understand information…

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