Germany - Once again MEDICA 2007 drew healthcare professionals- this year around 137,000 — to attend the congress and view the enormous number of medical products demonstrated by over 4,300 exhibitors.
Germany - Once again MEDICA 2007 drew healthcare professionals- this year around 137,000 — to attend the congress and view the enormous number of medical products demonstrated by over 4,300 exhibitors.
Engineer Stefan Wollschläger, a partner in Visality Consulting GmbH, Berlin, and Dr Gregor Zehle MBA, a senior consultant at GÖK Consulting AG, Berlin, discuss the benefits of a strategy transfer from the aviation sector to operating theatre management.
A specialist in radiology and neuroradiology, Dr Birgit Ertl-Wagner is senior physician for teleradiology at the Institute for Clinical Radiology, in Grosshadern University Hospital, Munich.
Poster data presented at Scientific Sessions 2007 have demonstrated that the application of clinical practice modifications, combined with advanced electronic technologies, can improve the care of patients at risk for sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).
Sony is showcasing its highly innovative high definition (HD) solutions for diagnostic imaging and display, through to HD surgery and post-operation analysis and training (featured in several issues of our flagship publication EUROPEAN HOSPITAL (www.european-hospital.com)).
Managed Care in the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Medical errors occur in any part of the treatment process and typically involve the wrong medication, improper treatment, or incorrect or delayed test results. At its annual partner meeting, which took place in Berlin, September 27-28, Philips reinforced its commitment to use its leading global position in healthcare speech recognition to drive technology advancements towards reducing medical…
About 27,000 healthcare professionals from over 100 countries attended RSNA 2006. These included over 5,000 European clinicians. In addition, over 28,000 people from non-US countries manned about 750 exhibition stands.
UK — The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has launched a new guide to help nurses understand business and financial practices in the country's National Health Service (NHS).
In 2008, the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) will include a Special Focus Session titled "Women in Radiology". During an EH interview, Professor Dr Maximilian Reiser, President of ECR 2008 (Vienna, Austria) discussed this and other aspects of the new programme.
Juggling the NHS accounts?
The Joint Commission International (JCI) has produced a revised set of international accreditation standards for hospitals. Initiated in 1997, the JCI developed out of a need seen by the international community to have standards of care to assure quality and safety for patients. "When these standards were first devised, organisations around the world were trying to apply the US domestic standards…
Despite the very varied nature of the scientific programme for The German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (Berlin, 24-27 October), Congress President Professor Joachim Hassenpflug, with Prof. Kuno Weise MD, President of the DGU, and Siegfried Götte MD, President of the BVOU, had ensured the presentations addressed representatives from both medical disciplines.
Michael Hall outlines the work and aims of IMAGE - the Development and Implementation of a European Guideline and Training Standards for Diabetes Prevention
Comparing radiological practices in Israel with those of Europe and the USA, Professor Graif explained that his country combines both.
A comprehensive knowledge of the topographic relationships of anatomical structures is a must for all doctors.
The first European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers will take place in Barcelona, Spain, November 2nd to 4th, 2007. The meeting is co-organized by the European Association of Urology (EAU), the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO).
Hitachi Medical Systems has opened its European Technology Academy in Dusseldorf
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress is the world's biggest annual scientific gathering in respiratory medicine.
"Come and experience the great Canadian Prairie Hospitality!" say the organisers of the 5th World Conference on Breast Cancer (WCBC), to be held in June next year in Winnipeg, Manitoba - the "cultural cradle of the nation, gateway to the Canadian west, and a meeting place for over 6,000 years," the WCBC Foundation points out.
In 1998, during Austria's first EU presidency, Professor Günther Leiner founded the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG). From 3-6 October this year, the Forum will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Our Austria correspondent Hans-Christian Pruszinsky asked Dr Leiner about the value and role of this organisation in Europe today.
1. INTRODUCCIÓN Como señaló Byram (1), el sector sanitario, siempre tan cambiante, precisa de líderes que ayuden a navegar a través de las tormentas....
There has been a popular fascination with X-rays ever since their discovery by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen. And this fascination shows no signs of abating. Much of the material that is of interest for the historian of radiology is transient. The term "ephemera" covers a large range of material including leaflets, trade cards and tickets. This type of material has not traditionally been kept…
The Netherlands - September '00 - A good example of one of the discussions was the general issue of dose reduction. All participants agreed that it would be a challenge to be able to realise this, although this should definitely not interfere with the image quality. An interesting challenge for the users as well as the manufacturers! Many interesting topics were presented during the seminar, of…
The number of CT examinations undertaken over the past few years has increased remarkably worldwide due to the new diagnostic possibilities afforded by multislice computer tomography (MSCT). As the new technology is gaining ground, many researchers and radiologists are looking for ways to reduce patient radiation exposure. In 2001, Giacomuzzi et al.1 of Innsbruck reported an up to 2.6-fold…