
Top quality screens increase diagnostic confidence

The Dienst Medische Beeldvorming (Medical Imaging Department) at Groeninge General Hospital, in Kortrijk, Belgium, which produces 150,000 radiology reports annually on four different sites, is totally filmless and paperless, relying on Barco's diagnostic display technology for the past decade. This year, due to its near proximity to Barco's headquarters, the hospital is to become a reference site…


Breakthrough in MR-guided, non-invasive neurosurgery

The Magnetic Resonance Center of the University Children's Hospital Zurich has achieved a world first breakthrough in MR-guided, non-invasive neurosurgery. Ten patients have been successfully treated by means of transcranial high-intensity focused ultrasound. This fully non-invasive procedure opens new horizons for neurosurgery and the treatment of different neurological brain disorders.


Oasis high-field MRI

Hitachi Medical Systems America Inc. (HMSA), based in Twinsburg, Ohio, has over 1,500 MRI installations throughout the USA. The company also markets multi-slice computed tomography and digital ultrasound.


The 90th German Radiology Congress

"Radiologists often see cancer patients over a period of years and continuously deliver important information for the treatment process," says Claus D. Claussen MD, Professor of Radiology and Director of the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University Hospital in Tübingen and President of the 90th German Radiology Congress. For the first time in the history of this…


Transforming medical diagnosis with new scanning technology

A new technology which dramatically improves the sensitivity of Magnetic Resonance techniques including those used in hospital scanners and chemistry laboratories has been developed by British scientists. The technique could replace current clinical imaging technologies that depend on the use of radioactive substances or heavy metals, which themselves create health concerns.


Predicting atrial fibrillation with MRI

University of Utah researchers have found that delayed-enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (DE-MRI) holds promise for predicting treatment outcomes and measuring disease progression for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), a little known heart rhythm disorder that affects more than 3.5 million Americans and causes more than 66,000 deaths a year. Their latest study on a novel application of…


Definiens Lymphexpert launched for European Radiologists

Definiens, the number one Enterprise Image Intelligence company, launched its first computer-aided detection (CAD) application, Definiens LymphExpert at the annual European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna, Austria. Now commercially available for European radiologists, the application assists in tracking lymph nodes of interest, facilitating earlier detection of the metastatic spread of…


Siemens presents new MR applications for Oncology

Siemens Healthcare exhibits its latest solutions in the field of Magnetic Resonance (MR) for Oncology at the European Radiology Congress ECR 2009 in Vienna. The syngo TimCT Oncology application enables not only comprehensive patient examinations within extreme short examination time possible, it can also eliminate the need for multiple examinations with other modalities.

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