

Pancreatic Tumours and Echo-Enhanced Ultrasound

Echo-enhanced ultrasound is a newly available imaging modality for use in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic tumours. Ductal carcinomas are often hypovascularised compared with the surrounding tissue. On the other hand, neuroendocrine tumours ar hypervascularised lesions. Tumours associated with pancreatitis have a different vascularisation pattern depending upon their inflammation and…


Pioneering vertebral procedure

Czech Republic - In 2001, when doctors at the Motol Faculty Hospital first saw Dusan Matras, he was diagnosed with a thyroid gland problem. However, they later found he had a tumour. Six years later, Dusan has become the first in the world to undergo a unique surgical procedure on the vertebral column in the neck area.


Top-Class scientific lectures and lively discussions in Heidelberg

Four times a year, the “Leica Scientific Forum — Advances in Life Science” offers top-class lectures, with eminently respectable speakers in the field of medicine like Noble prize winner Professor Dr. Erwin Neher from the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, who was guest speaker at the last Forum this year on December 5. The Forum – which takes place in Heidelberg…


Patient's brain controls mechanical ventilation

Among ventilation advances demonstrated at this year's European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Congress, held in Barcelona, the combination of the SERVO-i ventilator with Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) provoked considerable interest because the system allows ventilation to be controlled by the patient's own respiratory centre in the brain. During a discussion with Daniela…


The 2006 Eppendorf and Science prize, the annual international research prize of US$25,000 has been awarded to Doris Tsao PhD, of the USA.


40th anniversary

As the German Society of Neuroradiology 40th annual meeting approached (Venue: Dresden. 31 August - 3 September), Professors Martin Schumacher (Freiburg), President of the German Society of Neuroradiology (GSN) and Rüdiger von Kummer (Dresden), the meeting's President, examine the history and potential in this medical field



Across Europe there are different answers to the question of who should manage intensive care. In Germany the issue is linked to a discussion on which medical field could claim surgical intensive care for itself.

Non-invasive therapy for herniated discs

USA - Pressure and inflammation caused by a herniated disc in the lumbar spine, and particularly painful sciatica, can be relieved using a neuroradiological technique rather than surgery, according to Dr Jeffrey A Stone, head of Interventional Neuroradiology at the Georgia Medical College, who reported on his procedure at the 44th annual meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology in San…


Earlier diagnosis for Alzheimer's

Christopher Pryce, PhD, describes a promising test that can predict the onset of Alzheimer's disease some two years earlier than currently available tests can determine. Furthermore, the test can be used in non-human primates in order to research the neurobiology and pharmacology of such neurodegenerative illnesses. Dr. Pryce is conducting preclinical research with this test together with…


Article • Cerebral insights

The brain: mysterious grey matter

More than 80 billion neurons, trillions of synapses and almost 6 kilometres of neural pathways: The brain is an anatomical masterpiece – and still puzzles science. Keep reading to find out about latest research and therapies of brain diseases.


Article • Information channel

Neurology: Let's get nervous

Neural networks are emblematic of complex systems, so it's no surprise that the field of neurology is eclectic and intricate, too. Main challenges for neurologists are therapies of and research on stroke, seizures, movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.

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