

Personnel deficits

Healthcare in Germany will suffer if doctors and nurses cannot delegate certain tasks to others. So warned Udo Janssen MD MBA, speaking at the recent Gesundheitsnetzwerker (health network) congress held in Berlin. Blaming the inflexibility of new labour models that make them difficult to implement, Dr Janssen believes they need to be reviewed.


The 90th German Radiology Congress

"Radiologists often see cancer patients over a period of years and continuously deliver important information for the treatment process," says Claus D. Claussen MD, Professor of Radiology and Director of the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University Hospital in Tübingen and President of the 90th German Radiology Congress. For the first time in the history of this…

Austria's new training model

The so-called 2 in 1 educational model is an interesting innovation in nurse training; it aims at an efficient synthesis of theory and practice. Following a course of seven semesters, participants achieve the academic baccalaureate qualification, as well as a licence (in the form of a diploma) to practice in general healthcare.

The Accreditation Council for Education

During its 5th international congress (held in Denmark in April), the European Operating Room Nurses Organisation (EORNA) launched the Accreditation Council for Education (ACE) "Educational and training programmes in the nursing sector need alignment and development on a European level," explained EORNA President Irini Antoniadou. "From 1997 to the present, EORNA achieved a curriculum for a…


World Health Day 2009

During the earthquake in Central Italy on Monday more than 1.000 persons were injured. Rescue teams were immediately alerted, said interior minister Roberto Maroni. “Within quarter of an hour they were on their way.” Helping the victims, though is difficult because many hospitals are affected by the strong earthquake. In view of this natural disaster, the motto of this year's World Health day…


Realtime-Sonoelastography to detect and characterize breast lesions

New possibilities in breast ultrasound comprise techniques for optimizing image quality such as tissue harmonic imaging (THI) and frequency compounding (FC), tools for post-processing US raw data such as strain imaging (elastography), and the use of Realtime-Sonoelastography, PD Dr. Anke Thomas from the Charité in Berlin, Germany, introduced her speech at the Hitachi Symposium Realtime Tissue…


The summit of science

For this year's ECR president, Professor Borut Marincek, there could be no more apt motto for the event than The Summit of Science. ‘Over the last 20 years, imaging procedures, particularly radiology, have revolutionised healthcare. At the same time, radiology as a high-tech discipline is dependent on an increased natural scientific and technological knowledge. Therefore, the objective is to…


Toshiba invits experts to discuss the advantages of state-of-the-art technology

Toshiba's pre-opening ECR event on Wednesday evening attracted around 120 radiological experts who wanted to learn more about the company's technology in daily practice. Toshiba invited several highly-regarded radiologists and cardiologists from Austria and Germany who not only presented the diagnostic possibilities of the firm's products offers, but answered critical questions asked by the…


Article • Gender equality

Have women's career chances improved in radiology?

The role of women in radiology and the challenges they face were again the focus of a session — Women in Radiology: How to maximise their potential — at this year's ECR, when female and male radiologists discussed their work experiences and combining home and family life with demanding careers. A forum also discussed the family friendly approaches in various countries.

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