Financing strategies in hospital groups
Financing strategies in hospital groups
Investment strategies and financing solutions in healthcare projects
Financing hospital equipment
Accreditation and standards of Excellence in Europe
Basic research and clinical patient care became separate disciplines in the 70s and 80s.
Although its standard description is simple: Photo detection at low light levels where single photon absorption events are counted, according to an internationally renowned medical imaging scientist, in terms of X-ray imaging, counting photons may really be the way to see the light.
As part of a global Safe Surgery Saves Lives programme, a simple, short checklist of guidelines for safe surgical procedures developed by the World Alliance for Patient Safety of World Health Organization (WHO) has produced dramatic results in the first eight hospitals that tested it.
Germany - The Barmherzigen Brüder Hospital in Regensburg, serves the populations of Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate. 20 years ago, this hospital had only three operating theatres; today there are sixteen
From Switzerland, Dr André Weissen reports that there are no consistent hospital guidelines regarding patients' faiths. 'There are neither any directives nor binding rules as to how a hospital is to treat Muslim patients, for example. Nevertheless, everybody everywhere is trying their utmost to accommodate their specific needs.'
Migrant medicine as a course for German medical students? This is a unique concept in a country where it is currently only being offered at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen.
Our correspondent Rostislav Kuklik (above) reports that the physician-to-patient relationship is always very specific when it comes to different cultures or ethnics. 'Worldwide, local doctors who care for patients from other than a major cultural background must be prepared to handle difficult situations, and solve truly unexpected issues.'
Participation in the Hospital Manager Symposium, which is organized by EUROPEAN HOSPITAL in cooperation with the European Congress of Radiology and which is part of the congress, has increased continuously since its introduction six years ago. Last year about 250 attendees listened to the lectures and discussions.
The 14th Eppendorf Young Investigator Award 2008, worth ?15,000, was presented at MEDICA in November.
Chicago, November - At first glance, the 94th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America appeared to be bigger than ever and impervious to the massive economic recession of its host country. RSNA 2008 ate into every inch of Chicago's McCormick Place trade centre. To reduce crowd congestion, technical exhibitions had been expanded to include a third massive…
Microscope designer Leica Microsystems and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) signed a corporate partnership agreement today whereby Leica Microsystems becomes a founder partner of the EMBL Advanced Training Centre scheduled to be completed in September 2009.
Healthcare delivery is undergoing a profound transformation. To compete effectively, healthcare executives are charged with improving both the financial performance and medical outcomes of their delivery systems. In response to this, Harvard Business School Executive Education is offering two healthcare programs; Leading High-Performance Healthcare Organizations and Managing Healthcare Delivery.
During the MCC Hospital World 2008 congress, held in Berlin this September, speakers from international firms and hospital chains discussed the demands and necessities for future healthcare.
UBIFRANCE and the network of Trade Commissions together constitute the French government's corporate international expansion support framework. Every year they help over 13,000 companies of all sizes, and from all sectors, to develop their activities worldwide, thanks to the expertise of 2,500 staff based in France and in 120 countries, who operate through the Trade Commissions of the French…
Surgical Site Infection is the most important problem facing surgeons today, according to Professor Miguel Cainzos, of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, speaking at the 2nd EMEA Symposium on New Non-Pharmaceutical ways to reduce surgical site infection.
There's little evidence that newer, more expensive drugs work any better than older, cheaper medications. Diabetes, which came 7th in the list of the USA's top mortality causes in 2006, has hit a new high.
The IHE Connectathon (IHE = Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) is a joint initiative of healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information.
"Children are no small adults. That remains true no matter how often it is repeated. And it is particularly true in paediatric nursing," says Andreas Wachtel, vice chairman of the GkinD (Germany's association of children's hospitals and paediatric departments, and Elfriede Zoller, chairwoman of the BeKD (the country's professional association of paediatric nurses).
BEO MedConsulting BERLIN GmbH, founded in 2000 and headquartered in Berlin since 2005, advises manufacturers on all issues concerning testing and approval of medical devices.
MEDICA - the most important event in the world of healthcare - displays the entire range of products, solutions and innovations relevant in this sector. The event is therefore also important to nurses, for they can discover and examine new equipment and other products and directly contact the manufactures and distributors.
The Fresenius Inventors' Fair is held every two years during MEDICA. This year 20 researchers, developers and inventors from all over the world will have the opportunity to present their ideas to the huge MEDICA audience.